Chapter- 111 (UnderVerse)

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Karma visits a cool AU and one that he wished to never be near again. At least his dad is with him



Karma was having a great time! He might have been upset to leave his new friend but his dad had given him a cool coat. It was pure white and really long. That wasn't the best thing about it though. It had fluff around the neck area and the bottom. It was so soft and it was even better to nap one.

He was currently running around, enjoying how his new coat flared around him when his dad suddenly grabbed him, making him chirp in protest.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your game but i planned for us to go soon~"

Karma stopped struggling and looked at his dad in excitement. Another trip!

"Yes yes but we do need to do a little thing before we go. I need you to summon Blasty for me~"

Karma was confused but more than happy to summon his best friend. He easily did so, still resting in his dads arms, chirping in greeting.

Blasty did the usual chuff before stilling and growling in confusion, when they looked around.

"Dad wanted to see you again. Let me tell you about my new friend. We did so much!"

Karma happily regaled Blasty with his news, a bit worried how they were less vocal than usual. They probably didn't like the AntiVoid, so he made sure to quickly finish his story before sending them back.

"Just as impressive as usual, little raven~"

Karma preened at the praise, even if he was unsure what exactly it was for.



Remembrance AU

Karma liked this new AU. Something about this place was familiar, almost comforting to his senses. Even just standing here, it felt like the magic of this place was greeting him, encouraging him to stay as long as he wanted.

He might have gotten a tad distracted by the magic and wondered further than he should have, which he only realised when a stranger's voice shouted at him.

"Kid! Hey kid! Wait up"

He spun around, surprised to see a Sans variant coming towards him. He couldn't feel any strong magic from them but he scowled in suspicion as they stopped in front of him. He growled when they took a step forward, watching warily as they put their hands up in surrender.

"Whoa! No need for that. I just wanted a chat"

He shifted, trying to look for his dad but he couldn't seem to feel their SOUL anywhere nearby. He really had been distracted by the magic here..

"Ok..but dont come closer!"

"Fine with me"

He warily eyed them as he was led to an open space, instantly cataloguing the many exits he could escape from if the need arose. He had no desire to start the conversation, so waited for them to speak which they thankfully soon did. He was getting a tad tense from the silence.

"How long have you known you were reincarnated?"

Karma snapped his skull to the Sans, baffled why they were asking this or how they even knew. No one else had called him out on it and he was feeling this was perhaps a trap.

"Sorry! That was way more blunt then i wanted it to come out..i knew i should have let someone else do this"

He cautiously waited for the Sans to speak again and listened as they explained how certain monsters in this AU tended to 'reincarnate' for a better phrase. Karma had initially been excited at finding out that there were others like him but that soon turned to disappointment, when he heard it was likely restricted to this AU.

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