Chapter 129- (Curse Multiverse)

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Karma is determined to travel again, even insisting on doing it alone. He sure everything will go fine! why is he still so scared?


Between Omniverses

"Are you sure you still want to do this, little crow? It hasn't been that long since-"

"Yep! I'm sure dad. Please? I'll have Nix with me and i can call you through the bond if i need help"

Karma really wanted to go somewhere by himself, to prove that to his dad that he could do it..but mainly for himself. He didn't like living in fear and knew something new needed to be done.

"..and you still want to go there? There is much nicer places to go for your first trip, little raven~"

"Yep! I'm sure. You should stop worrying, dad. I will be fine "

...At least, Karma hoped he would be and might have forgotten to mention that he hadn't studied what this multiverse would be like, at all. He only knew two things really: that dad had planned to take him there at some point and that the Balance was well managed, so it should be a nice simple trip.

"I'll be fine! I promise to call you if i want to leave, dad"

He felt slightly guilty at the little white lie, as he didnt want to have to rely on anyone for this trip. A meow interrupted his thoughts and he amended his trail of thought. He didn't want to rely on anyone but himself and Nix. He grinned as his familiar brushed against his legs, knowing they would always be there.

Oneiro sighed but could see the stubborn glint in his child's eyelight, so let it be. It's not like Traveller hadn't also looked over the place beforehand but he still worried. He wasn't blind to their uncertainty and would make sure to keep a close eye on them, just in case.

Crouching down he checked them over and made sure they had everything, before nuzzling them, smiling as they giggled happily. Standing back up he waved his hand to create a portal, watching as they nervously walked towards it.

"Don't forget. I am just a call away~"

Curse Multiverse

Karmas wings twitched as he stepped out of the portal, his breath stuttering as he tensed at the new surroundings. He narrowed his sockets and scanned the area, mentally confirming what his dad had said about the Balance, making his wings to lower from their alert position.

"It's rather quiet here, Nix. Where do you think we should go?"

Nix meowed and sniffed the air, leading their monster to somewhere nicer. It smelled too much of death here and his monster was far too tense for his liking.

Karma gave one last suspicious look to the area and began following Nix, his Judgement magic slowly trickling out of him in his paranoia. Maybe he should have stayed with dad and brother longer...

He shook those thoughts off and steadied his breath, determined to do this. He needed a break from everyone he knew, to get over this stupid fear of people! Was it really stupid, if he had lived through so much?

...he sometimes wished he was back in the darkness again.

Of course he never told anyone, knowing it would only worry them but he had to admit that life would have definitely been much simpler.

He was so distracted with his thoughts that he accidently bumped into someone, flinching away from their hands, as they helped to steady him.


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