Chapter 160 - (%@£!** Multiverse)

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Error is annoyed by how hyper Ink is and calls in a secret 'contact' to help with the odd babybones he seems to be stuck with


%@£!** Multiverse

"...was it truly worth it, Ink?"

Dream asked in utter exasperation, having ended the meeting early as he doubted anything productive would be happening with the chaos Error had brought to it with the new arrival.

He could spot Ink smugly sitting by the babybones as if they had achieved something amazing to be fair it did take them nearly two hours to accomplish this without the child not trying to burn Inks face off.

That Ink, the highly lauded Creator had shamelessly bribed the kid with Error throwing out suggestions on 'how not to get too badly bitten' over the entire period, made him feel like he was in a fever dream. He was glad the two Gods were somewhat getting along but did they have to do it in the weirdest fashion possible?!

At least Blue was here to help him make sense of this terrible day, truly the best monster who had ever existed as they had grabbed him a coffee while he watched over babysat the two Gods, who of course went back to squabbling like an old married couple.

"Of course it was, Dream! It was so simple to accomplish as well. I truly am a genius!"

"....You are such an idiot, that i'm honestly impressed you even manage to get dressed some days"

"Awww. That had to be the nicest thing you have ever said to me, Ruru"

"STOP TRYING TO HUG ME! Thats it! I warned you. Little thief! Use bite!"

"....What is that supposed to-OUCH! Why did they bite me again?! I gave them more crystals!"

"Hehe, that was a rookie mistake, Ink. There is never enough to soothe the tiny dragon"

Dream rubbed his head at Errors oddly proud tone, feeling a headache coming on and looking sadly at his empty coffee mug.

"Dream, perhaps we should-"

"None of us are leaving these two alone, Nightmare. If you dare to leave i will be more than happy to drop Ink off for a 'super fun' day that i will tell them you planned for them"

Nightmare shivered at Dreams sickly sweet tone and paled at the threat, his castle had barely survived the last time the Creator came to visit. He had already sent his group back home, not wanting them caught in the crossfire when it all inevitably went to hell.

He grimaced when Dream went on another tirade, using a tentacle to pass his still full cup of coffee towards them and thinking it was a wise sacrifice when Dream stopped looking at him with those judgmental eyes and switched them back to the two arguing monsters in the centre of the room.

"-I refuse to deal with another apocalypse event because someone thought it 'funny' to recreate an extinction event by throwing meteors at random AU's. Who even does that?! Idiots thats who. If they weren't Gods i would have gleefully dusted them years ago and don't even get me started on the-"

...his brother really needed a Holiday but he just knew that he would have to deal with the Gods in their stead and honestly didnt think he would survive a few hours having to do that. The more days passed with the Truce in place, the more he truly a miracle that the multiverse had never collapsed and feeling that Dream deserved an award for forcing the two sides to sit down and talk.

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