Chapter -81 (FGOC Multiverse)

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Karma has a fun day at the zoo with quite a few surprise visitors


FGOC Multiverse

Oneiro was enraged and did little to hide the fact from anyone. He had been very close to wiping out that insect that had dared to upset his child but he didn't want to waste any time that could be spent on Karma instead. He was sure Nova would sort it out either way.

Speaking of, the other had decided to visit for a bit, of course without alerting anyone else to their presence. He might get along with Sol but he felt no need to share all of his secrets~.

He silently watched as Nova sat with Karma, quietly listening to all they had done, even though he knew Nova had been watching the whole time.

It had been three days since the incident with that child and he had refused to come out of the bedroom in all that time. He had enough food in his inventory and he was not restricted magically like the rest. Sol had even been so kind to 'gently' discourage any visitors.

Just hearing Sans's voice had made him very close to losing control. Oneiro knew the other didn't want them interacting with others, so why did they think it wise to allow a human to come into their space? Especially knowing that not all variants got along with humans.

It really did seem that all Sans were similar, despite the various multiverses. He could never stand them and their moralistic views, even though they would do much worse in the RESETS. He preferred Dreams over them, for at least he knew how their weird upbringing shaped them to what they became.

" I have planned a fun day for you, Godling. You even have some... visitors who really wanted to see you "

Oneiro looked up and immediately knew what they were talking about. He hadn't been against the others suggestion and even thought it was a good idea. Karma needed a break, before they tackled the issue they were having with their Karmic/Judge magic. He had been proud at how special they were to get that but was distressed at the issues it was causing.

He was thankful for Hearts suggestion for calming Karma but had to use the technique far too often for his liking these past few days.

"'s not Frisk is it?"

"No, little crow. The visitors are waiting at the park so you will see them soon~"

He could tell they weren't that reassured but thankfully Nova picking them up and letting them play with their summoned strings, helped to relax them. They sadly couldn't leave the multiverse, due to how fast it went but bringing others here was an easy task.

Now that they were 'allowed' to go out by Sans, there would be no issues in leaving~.

Creating a portal big enough for the three of them he stepped through, spotting the two monsters standing in the shade. It felt years since he had last seen them and he smirked at how their emotions spiked, when Karma was put down. He stepped closer to Karma and made sure to point out the two monsters.

Karma was unsure who they would be visiting, as he had met many monsters in his travels. He shifted in discomfort and fiddled with his beads, wanting to go back and hide in the room or even visit his brother's shared place. He would definitely make sure to do so later but went back to looking at Oneiro in suspicion.

He didn't like that they were outside, where anything could cause his magic to lash out. He hated that he had lost control and feared he would hurt someone by accident.

He paused when he recognised the two SOULS that were close by and hesitantly stepped closer, looking at Nova and Oneiro for support.

" Go on, Godling. It's safe "

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