Chapter 161 - (%@£!** Multiverse)

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Error hoped that his teacher (404) would help him in figuring out how to help the babybones but it only seemed to complicated things....


%@£!** Multiverse


Error wished he could say he always knew how to use his powers, that he had been able to easily control his strings and read the Code like it was a simple book, but that would be a lie.

His first memory was waking up in the AntiVoid with no clue of who or what he was, unsure how many hours days, years he spent in this state before something in his mind cracked.

That was the first time he ever managed to summon his magic and also some of the darkest days of his life.

He had walked around in a daze, his magic latching on to anything and anyone he got near, occasionally conscious of the dust and other unknown substances on his clothes blood and the debris of AU's but his mind soon went back to the haze again.

He couldn't tell how long he cycled through this but there was one clear memory that would be forever stuck in his mind, feeling like he 'fully woke up' when he bumped into what would one day be his teacher, one of the monsters that would truly shape the way his life went.

Of course it didnt start out like that, Error vaguely recalling throwing his magic around like a toddler throwing toys out of a pram, rather embarrassed when he realised how insane he was in the past.

Some days he wondered why 404 had even bothered helping him and not just putting him down like the mad dog he had been acting like. It had taken years on 404's part for Error to learn how to shut off his Destruction magic and many more to learn how to use his magic successfully.

He felt a tad ill when he realised just how much damage he had caused in the centuries he had been created that had been a nauseating feeling and birthed his most prominent fear of ever losing himself again.

That is to say he had a lot of respect for his mentor and the way they introduced him to this multiverse refusing to admit he enjoyed some of Inks antics, even if a part of him missed what could have been his original multiverse.

..although, considering how he woke up alone and what he had later learned about the AntiVoid, he would say he dodged a major bullet he wouldn't be surprised if a Deity was involved but feared to ever ask 404 for answers, having enough nightmares as it was.

Fell AU

Error knew how charismatic his mentor could be, seeing it in the way even Dream, who was usually so very high strung for some off reason looked intrigued rather than on guard when 404 appeared in front of them.

He had wanted help with the unusual babybones who appeared in his home and was frustrated at being unable to check their Code without getting zapped by some unknown magic.

He wasnt an idiot and knew they weren't from this multiverse just like him but were far too young to be alone, worried about their possibly being more nefarious reasons for them being alone. He might not have the skills to help Goth but 404 surely did, hoping they would be able to help him and more importantly decide on what to do.

He might be capable of it but he much preferred a quiet life, disquieted by the idea of choosing another's fate like that without all the facts. He had hoped 404's presence would help things but of course things never went his way.

He had planned for many scenarios but not this.

The one he least expected to act did so and in a rather explosive way as well.

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