Chapter 32- (Raven Multiverse)

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Karma panics, wishing he was anywhere else


Raven Multiverse

Maybe if he didn't move Reaper would miraculously not see him. He knew it was childish but he had no idea what else to do. It seems his mind had gone blank for all other solutions and had started to shut down. Sadly Karmas thoughts were disrupted by arms curling around him. He couldn't suppress the flinch but he didn't move otherwise.

" Goth.... You are so tiny. Let's get you inside where it's warm, ok?".

The small positive was that violence didn't seem to be occurring but that was the lowest bar for his standards. He felt himself being cradled close as Reaper stood up. He folded his wings, to be as small as possible and started chirping in distress. He ignored the coo being directed at him and didn't try to hold on to the other in any way.

His mind was just filled with buzzing and his body felt like stone. He wanted to reach for his scarf but even thinking of the action tired him out. He must have zoned out longer than he thought as he was startled, when he was handed off to someone else.

They were warm at least and felt strangely familiar. He instantly leaned closer and nuzzled the chest he was facing. When he heard a fluttering sound he looked up. He was faced with a single white eyelight that illuminated the other's face. Why was it suddenly so dark though?

Turning his head he realised he was cocooned by the others wings and hated that it instantly calmed his erratic magic. Stupid bird instincts were getting a little too strong for his liking. A chirp caught his attention making him chirped back in answer. Looking forward again he startled when he realised who was holding him. It was a bigger him!

He could feel a purr building up at being near magic so similar to his own but he pushed it down, to study the other closer. He had never been this close to his adult self so this was a change. He boldly pressed his hands to their cheeks and moved his face closer. When he was satisfied at what he found he noticed their hands were lying either side of them.

He approved that they hadn't tried to pull him closer or away during his inspection. He grinned one of their hands and was shocked by how much bigger they were. Was he really this small? Was that why others kept cooing at him?

"I'm called Goth, what's your name, baby bird?".

He ignored the question and continued fiddling with the others hand. It was much more interesting then this conversation.

"Would you like some food? We have plenty available".

Why were they still talking to him? He just wanted them to stop.

He had heard of sudden human combustion, surely that could occur in monsters. If he tried hard enough he would be able to get out of this conversation. He had never heard it happen before but he was sure he could be the first.

"Would you rather be put down or are you happy to stay like this?".

His only response was to grip the others hand tighter. He reached for his scarf and started playing with it. This was all getting a bit too much for him. He was glad he couldn't see Reaper at least.

"That's ok, you don't have to talk. I'll do enough for the both of us! You have met my dad Reaper already but my mum is also here, who is called Geno. Also I have an adorable little brother called Raven! They make the best faces when I pinch their cheeks. Do you know a monster named Palette? Well he is my best friend. We usually-".

They talked way too much for his liking and most of it was information he already knew. When the other started waxing poetry about Palette's best traits, he tuned out. Closing his sockets he used his magic to sense the other SOULS in this house. He would rather be prepared than get an unexpected surprise later.

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