Chapter- 105 (Guardian Haven Multiverse)

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Gluttony wants to teach Karma to summon a Gaster Blaster but they already know how, to his surprise.

A lonely child's magic can do many things and the more they have, the greater the effect.
Karma has always had a lot of magic.


Guardian Haven Multiverse

Ordeal was standing a few feet from Karma, listening to Gluttony speak in growing alarm. He had tried to interject multiple times to little success, feeling rather resigned. This was becoming far too familiar for his liking....

"Now, little gem. You need to gather this amount of magic to make it work. Can you sense it?"

"I really dont think this is a great idea. Surely there is something else you can-"

"Good job! We are nearly done then we can go fly again"

Ordeals socket twitched at being ignored but at least he could say he tried. He was fully blaming Gluttony if anything went wrong. At least he wouldn't be the number one target for his brother anymore.

Looking around he was bewildered why other Guardians were gathering around, considering the warning he heard Abstinence give earlier. He really thought they had greater survival instincts than this! Did being a Guardian really lower IQ?..that did not bode well for his future survival.

He was unsurprised he saw Raptor standing near though, knowing how attached they already appeared to be to the babybones. They were turning out to be the least problematic of the lot, which only highlighted what a mess he had found himself in.

Gluttony knew it may look like he was doing something dangerous, with teaching Karma this type of magic, but he had his reasons. Leaving his multiverse had been helpful in learning all types of magic and he grew to love how destructive this type was. He had learned many new tricks and would make sure Karma knew them too. He wanted to give them the edge, in order to keep his gem alive after all.

He summoned his Gaster Blaster, making sure Karma could look over it carefully. This would be a massive help if they learnt this. He dismissed it when Ordeal came closer, looking at them in annoyance and starting another pointless argument again. He did not like being questioned but it was happening far too often for his liking.


Karma had enjoyed his nap but was rather confused when Gluttony took them to a large open area, as they said they wanted to show him some special magic. He had listened in curiosity but as they kept speaking he realised what they were talking about. He wanted to interject but soon Ordeal spoke up, arguing with Gluttony about how 'dangerous' this magic was and how 'Karma was way too small to learn this'.

Feeling the tension rise he spoke up, looking at Gluttony in confusion.

"..i can already do that though"

He had no idea why Ordeal paled but Gluttony instantly crouched before him, looking rather serious.

"Are you sure? You don't have to lie. If you don't want to do it i know other things that are helpful"

"Yes. I learnt it early on, i was just told not to do use it anymore"

Karma could kind of understand why Reaper didn't like it, even if some of their points still baffled him but he had seen no point in arguing against them. Not like they really listened either way.

"Can you show me?"

Karma was puzzled why they would ask that and looked over at Ordeal, hoping for an explanation. They were worryingly pale...were they sick?

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