Chapter 8-(Birth Multiverse)

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It's a new day and many thoughts are had. Blue tries but that isn't always enough


Reaper was glad Goth was back, but the words would not leave his mind.

"I am the most replaceable one"

When did Goth, his own child, start thinking like this. The knowledge the other knew about the balance was baffling but it seemed more of a curse, with how Goth viewed himself. He couldn't help the tears falling down his face while watching Goth sleeping in the living room at Inks home. He hovered closer and placed a shaking hand on the other's skull. He breath stuttered at feeling the others SOUL reach out to his magic, as if begging for death to take them. He gently rubbed the other's skull and felt bittersweet. The first time he touched his child and this is what he learnt.

"I'm keeping him Reaper. I'm not letting Goth leave us that easily".

He startled at Ink being awake but only nodded his head in acceptance. It seemed his role at being a parent was a failure but hopefully others could help. He slowly pulled away and left. He needed to be alone with all the facts he learned and he no longer had a place by Goth's side.

The morning came and Goth enjoyed the warmth he was surrounded in. He smelled food being cooked but was too relaxed to move. While he had gotten into a routine of eating he wasnt sure if he liked it.

He always felt overcharged after food and sometimes he expelled the magic, before his body could absorb it. Taking magic from others directly was a much more preferred method. Opening his eyes he noticed that Reaper wasn't there anymore. He wasnt sure why his SOUL ached at the thought but pushed it away. He nudged Palette awake and moved to the kitchen.

Dream had woken up first and it almost felt like yesterday was just a bad memory, till he saw Goth. He distracted himself by making food with Ink joining him. Placing the plates on the table he saw Goth already seated.

When everyone sat down Dream could not keep his eyelights off of Goth. Watching the other stare at his food in uncertainty was odd, until he remembered he had never seen Goth eat. How had they missed this? Even at Goth's birthday he would only look at the sweets given and put them in his inventory. He was scared to ask the other where it had all gone, as he felt he already knew the answer.

Dream wasn't sure how to bring up his concerns but it seemed Ink had other plans.

"Goth, I want to form a bond with you. I consider you my child and would love for you to stay, p-please?".

The confidence seemed to dwindle the longer Ink spoke but Goth saw no surprise from the other two at the table. They must have discussed this before, but why? He was a cursed being and should have been gone long ago. Reaper leaving helped confirm he had finally pushed the other too far to even pretend to care.

"I don't think that is a good idea Ink. Two parents have already left me. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with me at this point".

It had been a recurring theme these last few lives. so he saw no issue with his statement. The others looked a bit unsure but maybe they were reconsidering wanting him? Before anyone could open their mouths, strings surrounded him and dragged him through a staticky portal. Was he being kidnapped again? That was quick.

That thought was discarded when he saw the others be dragged through too. Looking around he saw they were in a meeting room at the Council of sans. Why were they here? More importantly, why was he here? He was sure Reaper would at least tell him what jobs he would need to do from now on, not strangers.


Blue wasnt sure how his life got more complicated but it was probably when he encountered Dream and Ink. He had been dazzled when the two introduced themselves and felt awe at the role they did. He had jumped at the chance to get close to the others and had grown to care for them as family.

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