Chapter 138- (WingVerse)

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Eclipse learns more about Ink then he ever wished and meets two more weird monsters...he really doesnt like one of them

(Wishing you all a great day! 🎄)


?? Multiverse

"Wow. You truly are an idiot, Eclipse. I'm almost impressed. How have you survived this long? There's nothing in your Code to account for this, so perhaps it's just pure stupidity..?"

Eclipse twitched as Ink spoke up from behind him, glaring at the overly cheery smile they gave him, not giving him a chance to reply before they spoke up again .

"You know i'm right. I can see you have been busy. I'm surprised Nix is letting you so close to Karma, you must have done something right at least"

" that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Of course! I would have been sad if you disappeared. You are so very interesting after all"

He was unmoved by Inks 'sad' eyeshapes, their amused grin doing nothing to hide how truly entertained they were.

Both adult monsters turned as another burst of black magic flared in the air, Ink not looking alarmed despite the large area of dead plants but was now giving Eclipse a strange look.

" do realise they are also a Death god as well, right?"

Ink was kind of fascinated at how Eclipse could miss so many obvious signs and yet be so intelligent at the same time. Truly an odd variant he had found, poking their arm when he saw their attention begin to wander, smiling innocently at their annoyed expression.

They truly did give the best reactions though, Error sadly having grown used to him centuries ago. Maybe he should create some Guardians for his multiverse if they could be this entertaining but knew he never would. He liked his stable multiverse, no need to have 'silly wars' messing things up.

Thats why he went to visit other Creators places for that, so no cleanup was needed on his part in the end!

His smile faltered as he saw how intensely Eclipse was watching the babybones, who was practising rather hard, knowing this would likely end very badly. Deciding to be generous, as he had grown somewhat fond of Eclipse, he gave another gentle reminder.

They seemed far too forgetful for their own good, looking at them with zero expression as they gushed over Karmas progress.

"You are going to get dusted, if you continue this"

"..what? Is that a threat?!"

He was glad they were taking this somewhat seriously but still not enough for his liking. Grabbing the front of their shirt he forced them down to his level, making sure they were looking directly at him.

"You are growing far too attached. You need to back off before you overstep your boundaries. It's for your own good"

Eclipse was alarmed at the sudden switch of Inks expression, their cold soulless sockets staring straight into his SOUL, flinching as they abruptly let go, a small innocent smile on their features once again.

He was baffled and rightfully scared of the rapid change, not noticing them drink from any of their paint vials, until he realised the sudden switch was due to Karma being right next to them how did they get so close? .

" Opal? This is your multiverse?"

"Thats me and it is! I'm surprised you remember me, little butterfly. I can see you have had a few new changes since we last met. Show me those pretty wings of yours. It's like we match now!"

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