Chapter 69 - (Fatal_Erro̸̠̔̑r̴͚̟̈́̋ Multiverse)

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Ink liked doing whatever he wanted but after Error went missing, things just kept getting worse. Maybe this new Goth will be of use


Fatal_Erro̸̠̔̑r̴͚̟̈́̋ Multiverse

Ink had liked how his days used to go. He would get to spend time with Blue and Dream and even create new AU's whenever he felt like it. He didn't even mind the occasional fights he had with Error, as very few beings could truly challenge him. While not friends with the Destroyer he would say they were at least tentative allies. That is why he was so confused when Error ended up disappearing for a month.

He had searched far for the Destroyer, worried what could have happened to them, to keep them away from their 'duty' to rid the multiverse of 'abominations'. As time went his panic increased, at seeing no signs of the Destroyer anywhere.

That is when he decided to inform the Council of Sans of the issue. While they may not care for the other, they at least understood the gravity of the situation.

His anxiety kept worsening until he finally found out the truth, in a rather horrific way. He had been so busy searching for them that he had not been as diligent at making sure his Creations were safe. When he had been visiting an UnderFell copy for a break, that is when he met them. The being now known as Fatal_Error.

He had only seen them from behind, so had at first mistaken them for Geno. He knew the other rarely left the SAVE Screen so was confused how they were here. When they turned to him he recoiled back at their appearance, unsure what was happening.

"W-Who? You aren't Geno"

"D̶o̵n̸'̶t̶ ̴y̶o̸u̷ ̸r̴e̵c̷o̵g̵n̶i̴s̸e̶ ̴m̷e̴,̷ ̷s̶q̴u̷i̴d̴?̵"

He wanted to deny it but their stance and the nickname was painting a dark picture.


He blanched as he saw their fingers clench and their sockets go deep red. He had misstepped and could already feel their magic waiting to be unleashed.

"I̷̍͆͗͊̏̿̃͂͜͝'̶̨̳̯̘̙͇̃̃͆͑̓̈́̍̉́̅͐͗́͘͝͠Ḿ̴̡͍̞͎̣̮̬̭͍̜̭̭̤̀͒͂͗̐̃̓̏͊͌͝ ̴̛͇̑̔̎̀͑̏͊̀̀̿Ņ̴̢̛̛͇͕͓̼̞̲̞͚͓̏̍͆̈̀͊̀́͑̊̇͒̌̾̊͗̾͝Ȍ̶͙̫̣̩̙̘̟͙̝̙͕̗̬̲̱̺̬̅͛̄͛͗͆͝T̵̺̮̯͛̈́̽̑̓̎̀̍̏͛̓ ̸̨̙̙̰̘̦̟̹͔̲̱̠̱̠͓͉́͌̒͒̈́̂̏̇́͌̃͘̕͝͝ͅͅĘ̵̧̛̳̲̺̝̭̼̱̤͖̪̯̩͊̋́̄̒͐͂̆̆͌̽R̸̡̘͍̩̫̙̮̱͖̬͈̓̈́͆̿͆̓͌͜R̷̡̦̠̼̯̭̺͇͎̼̻̼͎͍̅̆͂̂̉̑̒̀͒̈́̂͐̅͒͒̑̚ͅƠ̷̺̩͓̟̳̪̪͍͈̍̆̂̎̌͗͛̃̅̅̈́̋̄̄͊̚͜͝R̵̛͕̥͔̲͓̤͚͙̟̦͈̙͉̼͉̈̾̃̑̑̍͌̀̓̾͂̈͘͝ͅ"

He had no idea how he survived that encounter as their magic, while similar to the Destroyers, was somehow much harsher than he had ever experienced before. He had watched as a passing monster instantly dusted, from just a glance from the new beings summoned bones. Their strings were no longer the blue he was used to seeing from Error and now burned when they touched him, as he could feel it trying to break down his Code.

He had escaped their insane attacks but not before witnessing them grab the Papyrus of the AU for some reason. He was confused and lost and when he brought this to the Council, a voice piped up.

"Error has been missing as long as Geno has, but i can sense they are always close to each other"

It was rare for Reaper to speak up and looking at the Death god he withheld a wince at the state of them. He knew the other was mated with Geno but the knowledge he had just gained did not give hope to a happy reunion.

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