Chapter 133- (WingVerse)

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Karma has fun in the snow, while everyone else begins to worry.



UnderFell AU

X dusted yet another monster, annoyed at how many were just not getting the message to leave them be . That was the tenth one so far, glowering darkly when he spotted another one trying to hide behind a nearby building.

Pale readily approved of X actions, elevationing their status in his mind to a 'decent' babysitter.

He looked over where Karma was playing in the snow, suddenly lashing out his right wing and dusting the monster that had been trying to sneak up on him. Wings were far more useful then he first thought, finding them an excellent weapon in themselves. They gave a lovely extended reach and adding some magic to them, gave them a rather deadly edge, that he could easily smash into other monsters.

He initially got the idea from Karma, who had casually suggested all the interesting ways they could utilise their new wings. Karma had even demonstrated just how sharp their feathers could become if they concentrated and chirped out they could even suffuse them with his Death magic. They then went on to cheerily list increasingly more deadly ways to use the appendages, looking delighted at how interested Pale was.

That had amusingly caused X to pale dramatically and he finally realised why Oneiro said he would enjoy keeping the monster around. He was curious if X forgot that Karma wasn't totally helpless but the care they were giving to his child was still very useful, greatly approving due to how happy it made Karma.

Pale smiled when he heard happy chirps from Karma, watching as they made a snowman as he blasted yet another monster with his magic. They were like flies and if his child wasn't enjoying this place so much, he would have just eaten the whole AU. Fell type monsters could be so persistent, which is why he usually chose to avoid entering them, as it took far too much effort then just destroying the whole place at once.

X dusted two more monsters, pausing as he waited to see if anyone would come out of the woodwork. He was pretty sure they had taken out half the AU's population at this point, with them being far more aggressive than their counterparts in his old multiverse.

No more threats in the surrounding area. Objective: Protect Karma

For once he was happy to listen to his Code, desummoning his knives as he studied the babybones, using his blue magic to remove any discoloured 'snow'.

Monster dust truly did get everywhere and he wasn't happy that they were even in this AU to begin with. Taking a chance, he got closer to Pale, stiffening when their dark red eyelights zeroed on him but he refused to back down just yet.

"Why are we here? Surely there are much nicer places to take them. My Ink created thousands of AU's that were just covered in snow, so why are we here? "

X shivered as Pales magic suddenly swept over him, feeling like a bug under a microscope as they gazed at him. He really hoped he hadn't misstepped, flinching as they put a hand on his shoulder, forcibly turning him to face Karma.

"Look at them."

"I am. What exactly am i supposed to be see-"

" Look properly "

X did his best to ignore the Code flashing at him, not needing it to understand the precarious situation he was in. His eyelights threatened to extinguish as Pale let their LOVE loose, shivering at the sheer quantity. He tried to say something, perhaps an apology but he was unable to voice a thing, frozen under the gaze of a clearly more powerful predator.

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