Chapter 31- (Oneiros Path Part 3)

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Oneiro keeps getting closer but always just out of reach


Blueberror Multivere

Having Inks magic was a useful addition but Oneiros real prize was the feathers and magic he had obtained from Reaper, before his tragic disappearance. Having two of the biological donors was making this process much quicker. When he stepped into this new multiverse it looked rather like most.

He started looking around,to gather any information he could but nothing came. He was ready to leave for another location when he overheard a rather distinctive voice.

" Look Dream, i miss the little guy too but he is much safer with his parents. Be glad Ink even found them. I'm frankly impressed ".

He spotted the monster in question and was intrigued at the black boned Skeleton. Was this perhaps the Destroyer of this world? He kind of doubted it, even if their appearance was strangely familiar. Their magic didn't feel as potent as most Destroyers at all.

"I just wish Ink had at least let us say goodbye. I'm just shocked, that's all".

He sneered at seeing another Dream but quickly left when he saw their skull twitch in his direction. Seems he found a sensitive one, much more powerful than the usual~.

He was annoyed he couldn't go anonymous anymore. He had forgotten he had been here before but that glitching monster was definitely new. Let's see what little Inky is up to. Did the other still remember him?~.

He was dissapointed at the weka deuces of the Creators space. Was Inky getting weaker? Or was it something else?

Gently opening the door to the Creator's home, he looked around unimpressed at the disorganised mess. He could already sense another here and the guilt was practically overwhelming his senses. He followed the emotion and saw the Creator, with his back towards him. Now that just would not do~.

"Oh honey. I'm home~".

Before they could turn around he pushed them against the cabinet, making sure to grip their arms tight. The violent jerking was pitiful and soon Ink stilled in his grip. Their bones looked more delicate than he remembered. What had the other been up to?

"Inky! How rude not to greet guests. I came so far to meet you as well. I heard some interesting rumours about a baby bird visiting. Do you know anything about it?~".

The Creator's breath hitched and their panic started to climb. He didn't bother to try and soothe them. He already knew the answer after all.

"I- have no i-dea what you a-are talking about".

He started to release them and felt the relief coming off them. That swiftly changed after he ripped off their arm, making them cry out in pain. Gods were sturdy things and he knew Inky could easily fix it later.

The crying was starting to get annoying and he merely watched as they collapsed onto the ground. He forgot how pathetic he found this repressed Ink.

"You know I'm doing this because i care, right? I am after all the only one who knows how dark you truly are~".

He waited till the crying had stopped, before using a gentle grip on their chin, to tip their head up towards him.

"You know I don't like lying. Now let me try again. Where is my child, Ink".

He saw them hesitate so he moved towards their other arm. They didn't need all their limbs after all.

"NOT HERE. Please don't. I sent them home. Stop hurting me".

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