Chapter- 83 (FGOC Multiverse)

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Karma helps Ink with an issue they have and causes much worry over their well-being by accident.

Dream knows he is the Positivity Guardian but is unsure what else he is.


FGOC Multiverse

Oneiro was glad that little 'chat' had made the rest much more wary to approach them. It was nice being able to relax without hearing irritating comments on his 'child care' abilities. Dream was lucky he had self control but the longer they talked the less likely he was to allow them to live after this 'vacation' ended.

He was currently in the living room, with Karma sitting between him and Sol. They had all just come back from another fun trip, so his magic was much happier~.

He glanced up when Ink came bursting in, not really having interacted with this Creator much. They looked rather panicked, with their eye shapes shifting faster than he had ever seen before.

He placidly watched, not really caring what was wrong with them. He had a passing thought that perhaps Nova did something but soon lost interest and looked away.

Karma watched this multiverse Creator, seeing them stumble into the room while mumbling to themselves. It looked very familiar to him and he was unsure why no one else was doing anything. Having a final look around he stared at Dream, who was staring at Ink as if they were embarrassed, before they pretended to not see anything. He thought they were friends?

Focusing back on Ink he spotted one of their vials missing, making him hum in realisation. When he saw them fall onto their knees he pushed himself off the couch in order to get closer. He ducked under Sol's arms and jumped away from Oneiros' grasp.


He briefly looked back at Oneiro before continuing with his self imposed task. He ignored the rest of the room's chatter and stopped moving, just when he reached Ink. Opening his inventory he quickly searched through it and smiled when he found what he needed. He pulled out a white vial of paint, not noticing how quiet the room became once he did.

Karma took off the lid and encouraged Ink to drink the contents, pleased when he saw their eye shapes slow down.

"Little crow...what are you doing?~"

"Ink didn't have any white left, so I gave him some of mine"

"....What I meant was why do you have paint in your inventory?~"

Karma was very distracted, more focused on making sure Ink had drank enough, so truthly spoke out with little thought.

"They were my favourites when I had to drink them. It was nice getting a choice sometimes"

He was about to look behind him, bewildered at the crunch of something breaking but Inks hands latching onto his arms distracted him. He could see their eyelights had gone pure white, confirming to him that the other paints had been neutralised.

"You need to let go, Ink. Let's get you some different paint"

Karma was glad how easily they let him move their hands to their paint vials, watching as they took small sips from them.

"No, Ink. Taking blue paint right now is not wise. You don't want to spiral again, do you?"

Karma might not have the best experience with Creators paints but it was turning out very helpful in knowing how to help the other. Experiencing it for himself made him understand the consequences of taking each.

He leant closer to Ink, making sure the others couldn't hear, patting them in sympathy.

"Such cruel orders that are forced upon you, Creator"

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