Chapter 11- (Second Multiverse)

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Karma is stressed and a new person comes along


He had been here for weeks and gone over to this Goths home multiple times. The estimation when he was going home was not available and even Reaper's face seemed to twitch each time it was brought up. Asking Dream did not help as they switched the topic every time. The only normal acting one was Ink, who was clinging more to him as time went on. It was a familiar action and helped him relax. He had even asked Ink to help groom his wings, as they spend so much time together.

He had been trying to hide his stress of the situation but was unsure how well he succeeded. He loved his wings but it came with some annoying instincts that he felt compelled to obey. When stressed he would often catch himself pulling feathers out. it was annoying and he had stuffed these under his bed but his wings were thinning and it was only a matter of time till someone said something.

This new place was terrible and he hated it. He had just managed to understand what the monsters in his multiverse emotions were like and now it felt like a fresh life. Having the same faces was no help as experiences shaped them, making them wildly different.

His Dream had never looked at him like this. Ever since he accepted magic from Ink Dream acted oddly. Does he think he is creepy? He can't help but prefer pure magic to the food. The intent always felt odd and it made his magic repel it. He didn't need to be reminded he was the odd one out.

It seemed today Ink would be taking him to Goth's house. Apparently he needed more magic than just him but he wasn't sure what the other two could do. Sitting in the living room with the other was odd.

"Reaper. He needs more magic than mine but Error has been..problematic to contact. Can either of you two help?"

"I refuse".

He wasn't sure why they were surprised at his outburst. He didn't know these two well and disliked them in his 'Birth multiverse'. Ink thankfully was still reliable and just nodded. Ink and Error were the best here. The only ones keeping to his expectations. He had been pleased when Ink offered magic but he never expected Error to volunteer. His left him for most of his life, this stranger had no obligation to him.

"What about Paperjam".

Genos voice was startling but his suggestion seemed to please the others. How many changes were in this multiverse?



Paperjam did not have a good start to life. Waking up in the remains of a battlefield was not a great first memory but being held by Ink was nice. Growing up he found it. hard to control his powers that he inherited from the Destroyer. He had never met his other parent and Ink had been blunt when talking about the other. The first meeting with the Destroyer didn't go well and he regretted it ever since. He had been young when he witnessed the battle between the two when Error had looked over.

He had expected some recognition or maybe a smile. He was instead treated with scorn and called 'a mistake'. The Destroyer had then tried to kill him but thankfully Ink stopped that. That memory always stuck in his mind and made him wary of ever being near Error.

As he got older he realised that while Ink was trying, he was a terrible parent. He forgot to feed him for a few days and left without warning. It was only when Dream found him that he started to have a more stable upbringing. Meeting Gradient then Palette was weird. He enjoyed having more stable connections but it was odd to realise that their creation was unusual.

He never really realised his birth was odd till he saw how normal monsters conceived their young. The love and care that had to go into their creation baffled him as he knew Error hated Ink. Watching Ink and Dream interact he only saw friendship but not the necessary love component.

He was admittedly bitter at not having a stable adult presence and it infuriated him when he saw the adults fail at helping them. His magic was only as controlled as it was due to immense practice by himself. He had been forced to teach his younger siblings when he saw no one helping.

He moved out with Gradient as soon as he could but Palette chose to stay behind. The others' aura still reacted to his emotions and he was scared to hurt someone else. He didn't like it but understood. When he moved to a more secluded area he dragged his last sibling with him and basked in their happiness.

He rarely visited his 'parent' even if they kept reaching out. Admittedly the truce did help settle the multiverse down; it allowed everyone to have more free time. He had even received a message from the Destroyer but he burnt that as soon as he could. He would not forget those words and was not willing to be hurt again.

Hearing about a multiversal visitor was odd but not unusual. When it was known they were babybones of Goth and staying with the Creator, he felt his SOUL churn in discomfort. He prayed that they were sent back soon away from the adults 'care'.

Receiving a message from Dream asking if they were willing to do magic donation was a shock. Apparently this one had different parents and of course Error was useless. He disliked Ink but would not take that out on a stranger. Opening a portal to the Doodle Sphere he was feeling anxious. He spotted the babybones napping on Ink which he wasn't sure what to feel about. The soft eyelights the Creator showed to the monster was quite odd.

It was very domestic and clashed with the image of his 'parent' in his mind. When had Ink been this still and aware of others? He would have to stick around more, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Having another little brother wouldn't be the worst thing to occur.


Paperjam: *sees Ink bonding with Karma*

Paperjam: whelp, here is a new sibling i have to look out for

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