Chapter 72- (Daemons Multiverse)

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Gaster spends more time around Karma but more questions just seem to come up then answered.

Karma is wary but slightly hopeful this time it will be different.


Daemons Multiverse

Gaster stood back by the door, watching as the babybones sped around the room. The speed they were moving at reminded him of Papyrus but the deep contemplation of items was pure Sans....He was getting attached and they had only been here minutes! If his children saw him he knew they would make fun of him going through 'empty nest syndrome' as the humans called it.

When the other suddenly stopped he took a chance to get closer, smiling at the photo they were eyeing.

"This is the last photo I had of my children before their Daemons settled. You can see the slightly blurry image of both of theirs, who couldn't help but want to change"

A noncommittal hum was given before they jerked back at seeing him so close. He disliked the distrust on their face, making him fear just what they had gone through. While having the barrier down was wonderful, the new horrors that most monsters were introduced to were numerous.

He had no idea why humans would mistreat their offspring but learning of the numerous cases was saddening. It was one of the many reasons he was happy to stay away from them, even if his children tried to encourage him to explore other AU's.

"Would you like some food? I have plenty to shar-"

"No thank you, sir"

Gaster was a tad unsure where to go from here but spotted the promised item on the table.

"You can help yourself to the sweets laid out"

Oh dear. That glare was rather fierce. What had he done wrong now? He could see them grow uncomfortable with his staring so went to the kitchen, deciding on making a meal for them both, even if they didn't eat it.

' I can't see or hear their Daemon, Gaster'

That thoroughly unsettled him. He knew how Grey was more sensitive to these things than him, making his worry increase. About to open his mouth to ask if the other was alright, a small wing smacked his face, making him glare at his Daemon.

' Look at their wings! You can tell how uncomfortable they are. Do not make it worse'

Discreetly looking in the living room he could see they were right, making him feel thoroughly chastised. He really should get out more and interact with others, he didn't realise his already abysmal social skills had gotten worse.

He switched his full focus on his meal prep, deciding to make some simple sandwiches. It was the easiest and quickest option, without being away from the babybones for long.

Finishing the meal he took it to the living room, putting a plate on the table and sitting on the couch.

"Help yourself. I hope you don't mind chees-"

"It's fine, sir. You didn't have to"

He frowned, just realising he had never given his name, being much more concerned with getting them to shelter.

"No need for that. You can call me Gaster. May I have yours?"

He could see surprise appear on their face before it was swiftly hidden.

"I prefer Karma"

"Well it's nice to meet you, Karma. I hope we can get along"

Silence settled in the room, with only the sound of him eating being heard. He could feel Grey shift on his shoulder in agitation. Looking up he knew the source, as Karma hadn't touched anything he had made. He wanted to say something but It was rather late, so he wouldn't push for now.

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