Chapter 122- (Underverse Copy-126)

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Karma meets so many new monsters but he feels like something is off about everything. Why does his feeling of Deja vu keep getting worse...


Underverse Copy-126

Council of Sans

Karma looked around the new place in interest, while he was being held by Reaper. He was still unsure why they were here but was still pleased to finally get out of the house..even if he was not happy about being near so many monsters.

"It's ok. We hopefully won't have to be here for long. We are just waiting for-"

"REAPER! Who do you have there with you?! How exciting!"

Karma suddenly found himself ripped from Reapers arms and whined into the new beings clothes, feeling rather dizzy from that sudden movement.

Ink was amused by the tiny monster hiding in his shoulder and poked their wings in fascination, smile widening as their wings fluffed up in response.

"Ink! What have I said about grabbing monsters without permission?!"

Ink innocently smiled at Dream, nodding along to their lecture, trying to act truly repentant. Of course he still amused himself by discreetly touching the babybones wings, which he soon realised looked like they had mini stars trapped into each feather. How fascinating. This would be great to paint! if only Dream would stop talking.

"-thing is that..ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!"

Ink grew bored of the lecture but grinned when he saw his newest interest start to look up.

Dream was tired and it was only morning. He sometimes wondered why he even bothered trying to lecture Ink, considering they zoned out the majority of the time, so instead tried to calm down Reaper who was twitching in a rather alarming manner. He yelped as he was suddenly handed the babybones, watching in bewilderment as Ink threw ink on the ground and jumped through with no explanation...what was happening here?

Karma huffed in annoyance at being handed over so often but at least this time was gentler. Looking up at the new monster he squinted at them, feeling rather confused..had he met them before? They kind of reminded him of Mr Oneiro.

He hummed happily as he was adjusted to be comfier but stiffened when he heard shouting in the room.

"What did you do?!"

" What do you want, crazy squid?! I have no idea what you are talking about! "


" Why did you drag me here! You know I hate abominations! "

Looking over he chirped in interest when Ink pinned down the glitchy monster, looking over them in curiosity.

"They look a lot like dad!" He chirped out, giggling at how they even acted similar.

Dream reluctantly looked away from the fight, already despairing at all the damage he was going to have to fix and looked down at the babybones in bewilderment.

"A-Are you sure?"

Error didn't really look sane at the moment, especially when they nearly took off Inks arm when trying to escape their hold.

"Yep! Dad looks like that a lot. Look! They even smile the same way"

Dream shivered at the maniacal grin on the Destroyers face, sensing they were enjoying the uncharacteristic brutality Ink was dishing out. He was therefore surprised when Error somehow managed to throw Ink away from them and teleport in front of him, trying his best to hide the babybones in his arms.

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