Chapter 135- (WingVerse)

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Karma finally gets away from the tree but who is this weird monster..?



Karma felt weird and he didn't like it one bit. It felt like he was losing track of time but still had the odd sense of underlying forced calm, that never seemed to leave him. He was starting to think this weird 'tree' was the issue but everytime he tried to leave it, he just ended up back at the same place sitting by the base, with no clues how he had gotten there.

It was so irritating scary but he did remember that dad had come to visit, so he was sure they could help! least he thought they had but his memory felt a bit fuzzy from that time.

At least Nix didnt seem to be having the same issues as him and was the main way he knew he wasn't being overly paranoid. Still, he was exhausted by this and he did not appreciate his trauma being relieved in new exciting ways 404 felt like they would never stop haunting him .

He was currently sitting at the base of the tree, strangely relaxed by the feelings coming off it but also tense, knowing for sure that it was the cause of all of his issues.


" were right and I was wrong. Are you happy now?"

He muttered out, knowing he should have taken their warning to heart. He sighed as he watched the clouds, feeling in a daze as the hours passed. He was so very tired at how these things kept happening to him, not even able to muster even a speck of worry when he sensed a SOUL nearby, just feeling done with everything.

....Jumping into the Void was looking so very tempting right now, despite knowing it wouldn't do much to him, doing his best to ignore the look of disapproval Nix sent him at that thought.

He didn't bother to move when the new monster got closer but did feel some intrigue when it didn't cause him to try and attack the visitor. He had become weirdly possessive of this tree but this stranger wasnt causing him to react at all, making him finally look up at them in confusion.

He stared longer, never having seen this type of variant before.

Sure he had seen Nightmare variants but this one looked and felt strange. Their SOUL for one seemed to be bursting with energy, not to mention their eyelights looked rather weird. He squinted, noticing that one looked like it resembled a sun shape, like the one his dad had but had little time to study them more, shuddering when he felt a sudden weird disconnect.

His wings ruffled in agitation, his magic feeling like it had suddenly dropped drastically. He wasn't feeling that great, having a sudden wave of dizziness, whining and covering his sockets when it felt like the sunlight was blinding him.

He shivered unhappily and when he finally felt like he wasn't about to pass out, he carefully cracked his sockets open, letting out a chirp of confusion when he noticed his new position.

"It's ok. Just go back to sleep. You must be tired, little sun."

...when did they get so close and more importantly, how did they pick him up without him noticing?! He was about to object to this, having no clue where they were going or who this was but let out a yawn, feeling a sudden wave of tiredness come over him. He didn't like magical exhaustion one bit and was puzzled how this occurred, considering he hadn't been doing much lately.

"Dad will be back soon. I should stay here" Karma sleepily murmured to the stranger, struggling to stay awake as the rocking sensation was not helping at all.

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