Chapter 74- (Daemons Multiverse)

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Karma stays with Ink and meets a parasite.

Karma has so much fun!...Ink does not


Daemons Multiverse

Things soon calmed down and when Karma had a chance to look around, he was a bit sad to see that Gaster had already left. He was busy thinking of where he would now go, when Ink had burst out in excited chatter about taking him to his place.

Now he might have rejected this idea if it wasn't for how awesome Inks' companion was, who was called Chroma. He loved being able to lay on them and they even talked to him! He was sure he was making a new friend and as they looked comfortable around Ink, he would give the Creator a chance.

The Doodle Sphere had visually no differences to what he was used to but he actually liked it. It was nice having something the same in a place where there were so many major differences.

It took a few hours to calm his emotions after that stressful situation, making him fiddle with the beads on his scarf for comfort. He was also a tad drained from hiding his emotions from the twins but he thankfully had some food in his inventory to sort that out.

He had been on guard the first few days and was thankful Chorma had stayed by his side, letting him lean on them in comfort.

Not seeing any paint vials was a massive step to calm him and as the days passed he started to relax around the Creator. It helped that Ink had loads of cool ideas on what they could do and it made seeing all the new things so much easier with a guide. He fully relaxed in the others' presence, when they accidentally brushed against his wings, making his new magic hum at him in happiness.

He was a tad annoyed that his wings had become more sensitive though, after the magic from his brother was added but he was hoping it would settle down soon. Perhaps learning to use the new magic type would help? It was a thought but he was in no rush, first he had to see how many animals Chroma could turn into. He would love it if they could become mythical creatures. That would be so cool!

"Karma! Can you come downstairs please?"

He perked up at the sound and stood up to stretch, snorting as Chroma gave a grumble at being woken up. Looking around his bedroom he was still surprised that Ink had made sure to decorate it to his tastes. He loved all the pillows and ledges on the walls that he could fly up to. Even the large fluffy rug was amazing to lie down on. He was unsure why Ink had insisted he choose every detail but he did love the results.

"Come on, sleepy heads! The food is getting cold"

'Why is he so loud?"

He chirped in amusement at Chroma, who continued to grumble when they turned into a snake, before winding around his neck. When he was sure they were comfy he went downstairs, relieved they had no surprise visitors today.

Karma's wings fluttered at the chocolate waffles on the table and he headed straight for them, occasionally feeding a bite to Chroma. Apparently Daemons didn't need to eat but it was an enjoyable activity.

He had been horrified when they told him they had never had chocolate so had demanded Ink bring them a selection for them to try. It had been a fun day, where they had watched movies while rating the many desserts Ink had found. Ink had gained his respect after admitting that they were all delicious. This Creator didn't seem too bad.

"Now that you have finished it's time to get ready"

Karma looked at them in puzzlement but then remembered that they were going to the park today. He had hoped Ink would have forgotten, as it didn't sound like it would be much different to what he had experienced before. He glanced at the door in contemplation but squawked when Ink picked him up, taking him through an already open portal.

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