Chapter 156 - ($% Multiverse)

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Nightmare is so tired and wondering if all children were so exhausting to be around.
Dream grows more attached but refuses to admit it and the staff are crying over all the damage to the mansion.


$% Multiverse


"Why are you hissing at me?! I'm trying to help you- DONT BITE ME!"

"You're doing a great job, Nightmare!~"

"Don't just sit there, Dream! Come and help me- DONT YOU DARE JUMP ON THE CHANDELIER!"

"Im fine thank you, you are doing such a good job there~"

Nightmares eye twitched at his brothers sarcastic wave by the door the coward, cursing when the frankly filthy babybones tried to dodge him, the child ending up throwing mud around the room in the process.

He winced when the chandelier suddenly crashed to the ground, the high pitched squeal of 'shiny!' echoing in the room and staring in disbelief as the shards of the crystal were gathered in the arms of the babybones before they scrambled under the table with their 'prize'.

Did his brother find a child or a wild animal?!

He could see why his twin would like them, the natural chaos they caused seemed to be right up Dreams alley.

He should have left and pretended he didn't see anything, deeply regretting his past decision. He was unsure what he had been thinking following Dream home, sighing when he heard a vase shatter and looking up at the ceiling as if praying for patience he had wanted to make sure the child was safe but he felt he might have been worrying about the wrong person.

"You should probably catch them before they destroy the rest of the room. It would be shame to have to replace the paintings~"

He gave them a deadpan stare at their theatrics and stared at the splatters of mud and other unidentifiable substances on the walls and furniture, doubting anything could be saved. He would personally burn everything, unsure what the babybones had been bathing in but it absolutely reeked, looking despairingly at the unrepentant kid who was happily examining the broken remains of a vase.

"Where did you even find them?"

He really wanted a cigarette but wasn't stupid enough to light one so close to a kid though, eye twitching at Dreams laughter.

..he wasnt going to like the explanation, was he?


Dream whistled a little tune as he scrubbed the babybones clean, not minding the little fingers playing with his wings as he thought it was a small sacrifice to make to get them in the bath.

Touching their wings was still a no go though, amused at the growl they let out when he tried to help them, having settled on showing him how to preen using his own wings and hoping they would copy his lessons.

It had worked in a way, at least all the mud washed of the frankly fascinating star patterned wings but their feathers weren't as neat as tidy as he would have preferred.

"How?! How did you get them in the bath so quickly?!"

He smirked at Nightmares outrage, tauntingly fluffing his wings and adding his magic to them to make the glow, the cooing from the babybones only growing louder. It wasnt hard to deduce what caught the child's interest, pulling them out the bath to dry and putting them in an adorable cat onesie his tailor had made.

He really had chosen well, satisfied by how efficient his workers were as well as the quality of their work.

Maybe he should give them a raise..?

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