Chapter- 86 (FGOC Multiverse)

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'Ink' makes some assumptions and his interest in Karma grows.


FGOC Multiverse

'Ink' eventually managed to calm himself down and started to think about what he would need to do next. Thankfully he didn't have to think too hard as the next day Oneiro asked Heart to babysit again, making it much easier to keep an eye on Karma.

The first few days he stayed away and just sensed them with his magic, still feeling slightly nauseous from remembering them begging him not to give them paint as if he would ever do that, he knew what it was like .

It was on the fifth day of Heart being asked to babysit, that he joined in. Sitting in the living room he had pretended to draw, while keeping a watch over the babybones. He had a slim hope that perhaps he had taken things out of proportion and that there was a perfectly reasonable explanation to their words.

That illusion was soon shattered when he observed the intense stare they gave him any time he picked a paint vial or the way they clutched their chest as if in pain, when he drank paint. Their reaction was worse when he sat closer to them, as whenever he turned towards them they looked at their vials as if they were about to jump out and bite them.

They surprisingly calmed down after a few days but that hardly helped to soothe his nerves. It was when he was showing them how to shade their drawing and physically moved their hand to show them, that he spotted tiny flecks of colour scattered in their bones. It might not be obvious to most but as a Creator he had an eye for the smaller details.

He used to have the same issues with his bone, but thankfully his body eventually learned to filter the paint correctly, after it got used to having no physical SOUL in his body.

It made him cringe at the signs of physical damage he could spot, each time he was near them but he slowly got used to it. Thankfully he saw no possibility of paint being given to them now but with the power Oneiro seemed to emit, he was wary of ruling out the possibility just yet.

It was a week later that things took a rather alarming turn. He sat in the living room and watched as the two SwapDreams fussed over the babybones, with Heart watching in amusement.

"Are you hungry, Karma? One of us can feed you magic before we go?~"

"I'm good, Oneiro"

"If you are sure. Don't forget that Goth is here and has no issue with feeding you~"

"Ok. Have fun"

"We will~"

'Ink' would have felt offended by not being asked but with the way the babybones still shivered when he moved too fast, he wasn't that surprised. The two might be insane but they were observant.

He started to set things up in the middle of the room like usual but jolted at the loud voice ringing out.

"Sans! Sans! Mom said I could come over as long as you allowed it. Can I stay? Who is staying? Can I meet them?"

He tensed at hearing the fallen human Frisk voice, hating how he had to create them. Before his mother came along, they were just a random child that became friends with the monsters and helped to free them but with the added changes, now they could be anything.

The first time he witnessed a Genocide Run it took everything he had not to be sick at the sight of what was happening, even if mother seemed overjoyed at the new storyline that could now occur. Not to mention those vile powers he was forced to give them to 'liven up' the story even more.

The door to the room they were in slammed open and 'Ink' shuddered at the look on the human's face. You would never be able to tell all the atrocities they committed when they looked like that, which just made it so much worse.

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