Chapter- 98 (S̷̲͗ṯ̶̇̅ringVerse)

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Error grows rather attached to Karma, he just wished they wouldn't keep giving him so much stress.



Error might not be able to spend a lot of time with Karma but he had grown rather fond of them. He was hardly surprised, as he rarely met others who were so calm around him, mainly due to his reputation. It was nice in the few moments he was able to be with them and he was pleased by all the questions they asked.

"Moon is the Negativity Guardian, right? How come he keeps his corruption inside?"

He chuckled and patted them on their skull. They were much smarter than others thought and he saw no point in lying about the matter

" They are. They do it as they fear your reaction to it but Karma, you can't tell others that you know their role or about me. It would be very dangerous if you do "

Error didn't bother to hide anything and knew he could be rather blunt, but he also knew Karma could take it. The searching expression and nod only confirmed his thoughts on the matter. He knew Grillby and Nightmare tried to hide things from the child, as if trying to hide them from all the dangers in life would make them not an issue, but that just wasn't realistic.

He wasn't blind to the marks on their bones or the vigilant gaze they had when uncomfortable. These weren't taught skills but self learnt, likely due to necessity to survive. Error knew he was a rather jaded monster but it had never been so obvious then when he talked to others. He would rather Karma learnt everything they needed to know without being caught by surprise.

Touching his neck he could feel FATES String, taunting him with the fact he was nothing more than a toy. He would rather Karma was prepared for any situation, unlike him.

Error also made sure to be more open, as he was wary of their assigned role. Now that he had more free time he could spend it studying their Strings more and what he saw displeased him.

Roles were a natural part of life and came in many different forms. For example, Ink was the Creator and he was the assigned Destroyer. They were nothing more than names and a hint to their true power but he could just as easily ignore it. It was only his own morals and now FATE, that forced him into this role but he knew of many others who just didn't care.

The role itself varied but he had never seen one that was this intertwined with the SOUL. He was sure the purple String was one he would usually admire, if it wasn't for the way it was squeezing the babybones SOUL and affecting the other Strings.

It must have hardly helped them deal with their emotional outbursts and the few times he heard them purr he had to withhold a wince, at how guttural it sounded. He was thankful that neither Night nor Grillby had heard it, as it wasnt hard to tell what the issue was with the babybones due to that.

Their SOUL was dying and there was very little he could do for it. He was glad that they had such strong magic, as it was most likely the only thing keeping them going at this point. He was still afraid to ask them what their role was, fearing what it could be that caused them so much pain.


It came to a head when Grillby texted him some rather alarming details. They mentioned how Karma appeared to be in a daze, singing about an 'angel' that was most likely the human. Their role was much more dangerous than he thought and he knew he had to take some precautions.

I'm bored. Where is the fluff? They are cute

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