Chapter 153- (*^&$@ Multiverse)

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Karma doubts things could get any worse but the someone is more then happy to prove them wrong


*^&$@ multiverse

Karma sat on the couch and blankly watched the tv, the Bittie on his lap as he was alone for once, giving him time to just think. He didnt like how many old memories were being dredged back up again and kind of missed when it was just him and Ink.

Dream and Blue were way overprotective, grateful that at least Ink 'kidnapped' him every so often so they could have a break from it all.

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..he would prefer the numbers in his vision would go away though, feeling it had only grown worse as time went by it felt like 404 was haunting him, wanting to cry but also feeling oddly happy. He didnt like the conflicting emotions one bit.

He gently rubbed Blots back, who was gazing at the tv in utter wonder and joy, smiling at the purr they let out and glad that at least one of them was having fun.


He hummed in question to Sunnys voice, gently petting Azure next and amused when they nearly fell asleep in response. He was so glad his friends were here with him, going back to petting Blot when they made grabby hands for his hand.

"Why haven't you told anyone your real name since we've been here?"

His hands stilled, the start of his good mood souring when reality slapped him in the face again.

"I am a Goth, Sunny. That is my type and original name, just as you are a Dream. I thought it wiser to be careful while we are here"

His words were light, spoken without a hint of hesitation or change of expression he had gotten better at lying but a part of him mourned it was even necessary in the first place.

"Oh, that makes sense"

Oh how he wanted to tell them of how his role was choking him, feeling a gaze always on his back but he didnt want to worry them, scared what might happen to them if he told the truth.


Time seemed to go slowly even if Karma knew otherwise. He began noticing he was kept in the Doodle Sphere more often and that the time distortion for this place had been increased further.

It became truly apparent with how Blue massively changed between visits, their magic visibly having growing stronger and looking far more comfortable around Ink and Dream.

He listened to Sunnys words of caution and what emotions those around him felt but currently didnt feel it was necessary, his own magic having deemed the Star Sans as 'neutral'. He wouldn't say he was fully safe, as being stuck in the multiverse that seemed to be trying to permanently bind him meant he was in constant danger but he had no clue how to fix it.

One thing he knew was that time was running out, his role becoming like a noose around his neck, knowing something bad was going to happen soon. He worriedly looked down at his friends, the pin on his scarf flashing only making him want to cry.

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