Chapter 65- (?? Multiverse)

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Karma is back in his home Omniverse but soon ends up somewhere very familiar.

His luck cant be that bad...right?


SwapDream Multiverse ??

Karma groaned at the sudden landing, thankful it was on something soft. He would need to get used to that if he ever planned to visit again. He rubbed his sockets, trying to get rid of the back spots from his vision.

Opening his sockets he looked around and slowly remembered where he had been, before he had been whisked away. He hadn't been feeling the best at the time so the memory was a bit blurry, but the Bitties staring at him on the bed helped jog his memory.

He was startled when Oneiro suddenly burst through the doors and froze when they saw him. Looking over himself he saw nothing wrong but slowly realised that he had not been in the best condition, when he was last here.

He warily watched as they slowly came towards him, extending their hand but stopped before touching his cheek. Oneiro wasn't usually this uncertain with him. He grew a tad worried, as he could see them hold their breath in anticipation.

Karma leaned into their palm, purring at the magic he felt flowing out of it. He suddenly jolted as he was drawn into their arms, with their wings engulfing them both. He hummed in content but stopped when he felt his hood getting wet. He tried to get out of their hold to look but the other just held on tighter.

"Oneiro? Are you ok?"

Choked laughter was his reply before they started to slowly stroke his back. He could have easily had a nap if it wasn't for Nova's voice, startling him.

" Are they ok?...Oneiro? Is the Godling still alive?! "

He chirped, hoping to calm the distress he heard from them.

" ...Godling? "

"Nova, I need you to check them over. Now"

Karma shivered at the dark tone from Oneiro and rapidly blinked, when the others' wings revealed him to Nova. Scanning around he spotted Nova crouching nearby, with their eyelights intensely looking over him. He twitched as Oneiro stretched out his wings and was unsure why they were looking so worried. Wasn't him being better a good thing?

" Godling. Look at me. I need you to stay still as I look over your Code. Ok? "


Karma's voice was a whisper as this situation was stressing him out. He played with his scarf and smiled when he felt a small weight in his lap. He gently stroked the Bitties, pleased his friends were ok.

Hours passed in silence and he could feel how tense Oneiro was getting behind him. It all came to a head when Oneiro said some rather terrifying words.

"Nova, I might know someone who could help more. I do warn you that they are an Ink and ha-"

Karma had stopped listening and all he could see was vials of paints being forced upon him as white eyelights gazed at him indifferently. The pain in his mind rose as did the images on purple eyelights, laughing as he cried for them to stop.

His hands started to shake and he felt his right hand move towards the pin on his scarf. He got comfort from something his brother gave him and felt his magic flare in his distress.


His magic surged and he soon felt the hands around him disappear.

?? Multiverse

Karma tried to remember how to breathe as he lay on a hard surface. He could feel tears rolling down his face and tried to focus on the present.

"He isn't here. I'm not there. It's all ok"

He was unsure how long he lay there but eventually sat up and wiped the tears from his face. He sneezed as dirt got in his face and froze at what he saw. The area he found himself in was littered by large craters and fallen trees.

Now that he felt calmer he was a tad embarrassed he had run away but to be fair, he had never seen them so panicked before. He knew he was going to have to endure more fussing in his future but for now he would focus on the present.

Standing up he shook his wings, pleased at getting most of the dirt out of them. Spinning around he stopped when he spotted a building that looked very familiar. Walking closer he was impressed at the damage to it and was surprised it was even still standing. He glanced around and spotted even more ruins.

Karma flared his wings when he felt a SOUL suddenly appear but when he looked over it was soon gone. He stared at the location until he was sure that nothing was there. Maybe it was an animal?

He decided to walk near the rest of the buildings and as he saw more, he decided that this place definitely reminded him of Reapertale. He even passed some flowers that auntie used to tend to every day but now looked very wild.

He faltered when he neared a rather large ink puddle. He stood by the edge of it and pushed his magic into it, making sure it wasn't an active portal. His wings lowered when he sensed it was benign and curiosity overtook him, when something blue was in the centre of it. Trudging through the Ink he grabbed the blue item and was surprised when he realised it was an Errors strings.

Why was it still summoned? He played around with it and giggled at the buzz it gave his hands. He walked away with his prize and headed towards a sudden swarm of SOULS. It took a while but he ended up finding hundreds of monsters, gathered around a fire. Looking between them he noticed how they all looked rather dishevelled and most were sporting severe injuries.

He hummed in confusion at feeling a few having something weird attached to their SOUL. Now why did that seem familiar?

He was done with observation and he was about to head back when he spotted an Ink, standing next to a Dream. He hissed at the Creator and his magic spiked in displeasure. He must have been too loud as soon many eyes gazed upon him, making him twitch from all the attention.


He stepped back when a Reaper came near and was surprised they stopped moving as well. The others hands were shaking and they kept an arm outstretched, as if wanting to grab him. He grew uncomfortable under their gaze so looked at the others instead. He was further puzzled by the similar expressions and he didn't like it.

Dreams' voice rang out, thankfully moving the attention away from him.

"INK! He is coming. Make the portals!"

He watched as monsters started screaming in fear, running towards the inky portals in haste.

"Please! Come with us! It's not safe for you!"

Dream sounded panicked but he felt no urge to be near them. He dodged the many hands trying to grab him, until it was only Dream and Reaper left.

"Reaper. We need to go"

"I-I can't do it. I can't leave h-him again, Dream"

"He is the safest one here! We on the other hand will die if he finds us. Especially with him"


A staticky sound filled the clearing, clearly alarming the two adults. He stood in silence as they glanced at him with tears in their sockets, before running to the portal, before it fully closed. Just what were they running from?

" GoTh? Is thAt yOu ?"


Karma: It's nice to be back!

*Extreme panicking from Nova and Oneiro*

Karma:..and now I'm done!
Karma: I will be diligent and take all survival skills I've learnt to heart

*Spots ink puddle and several signs of a harsh battle*

Karma: This is the perfect place to play!

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