Chapter 28- (Shattered Multiverse)

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Karma is not seeing any positives to this new multiverse


Shattered Dream Multiverse

Why did he get into these sorts of situations. Looking around he was sure this was a Dreamtale. Each AU had its own 'flavour' in a way but especially places where powerful monsters originated from. Karma was unsure what he was even supposed to do here. He idly kicked a rock and watched as it rolled down the hill he was atop of.

He spun around and spotted the tree that started the whole mess, with the guardians in the first place. Well, more the stump of it but it still counted in his mind. Sitting next to it he easily sensed the small amount of life in it. As long as the Guardians lived so would at least a small part of the Tree of Feelings.

Looking around he looked at the remains of the village. He had overheard from the Creator what had occured in this AU and wished he was more surprised at the greed of others. It was the same story that created the 'villains' in the end. He never understood why others were so surprised at the outcome. He could see few ways it could have otherwise gone and few were favourable.

He closed his sockets and let his frame fully relax. The lack of SOULS, begging for his attention was enjoyable. All beings would die eventually and would always feel the pull towards the great beyond on some level. It was only the fragile link to their body that truly kept them here. He had to learn early on to block out the whispers of their voices. He didn't practically want to never hear his thoughts again. It had been the most useful skill Reaper had ever taught him.

He idly played with the beads on his scarf, enjoying having something physical of his last guardian. He tilted his head when a SOUL suddenly appeared in his senses. It was pulsing erratically and didn't seem the most stable, but it was strong magically.

He was happy to stay silent but his curiosity won over. Looking in the direction, he was curious about the goopy monster near him. They looked like a corrupted Nightmare but the golden hue to their covered skeleton disputed this fact. Where had Pale sent him?

He passively watched as they walked closer, with their tentacles raised behind them. He didn't move when they crouched down or when their hand touched his cheek. They looked to be searching for something on his face but he had no idea what.

" Who are you? Far away from your flock aren't you, little one? ".

"I'm called Karma. What's your name?".

The hand on his face tightened but not enough to hurt. Their other hand went to his cheek and his skull was tilted to look directly at them.

" I'm called Shattered. Have you not heard of the big bad bogeyman? ".

He shook his head and felt their body stiffen, before they roughly pulled back. He watched in confusion as a dark gold portal was created, with Shattered not looking at him.

" Come, this place is not suitable for living in, anymore ".

He could have easily argued that he would survive just fine but this AU wasn't the most stimulating area. He stood up and followed Shattered through the portal, surprised where he had ended up. It looked like the Doodle Sphere but there were some odd changes. The strange gold liquid flowing out of Shattered, was scattered across the area.

He stopped rolling Shattered and walked over to the hanging AU's. While the majority were pure white he saw a few dripping the golden substance. He curiously reached out to touch but was pulled back by a tendril wrapped around his waist.

" Come along, litte birdy. You can look around later ".

They seemed to be heading towards Inks house, if it was still the same here. When they got in he house he saw how the walls were painted gold and black. He saw no traces of anyone else living here but it did look comfortable. It was confirmed when he was dropped and he lightly bounced on the couch. Looking up he was greeted with Shattereds unblinking stare. Nothing was being said and he started twitching in boredom.

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