Chapter 63- (X-Bitty Multiverse)

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XGaster was determined to get what he wanted. Obtaining the 'Godling' was an excellent addition to his plans


X-Bitty Multiverse

XGaster never saw himself as a bad monster, just one that wanted the best for his universe. That is when his obsession began with creating the perfect ending for his world. He loved both his human children and at the beginning was uncomfortable asking them for help with his work.

The trust and conviction they showed him made him falter in his resolve, allowing them to help with his plans. Things grew more intense as he observed the power his children possessed with their DETERMINATION SOULS and was overjoyed at the new things he could try with this.

His plans evolved as he learned the intricacies of his power he called OVERWRITE. It was a much better version then RESETS, as there was no chance of alternate timelines being created this way. Much less messy in the long run in his opinion.

He grew more alarmed as he was unable to create the perfect ending for his world and had started to lose hope, but that was when he first met the Creator.

It had been a large shock when he had met Ink, who had shown him the wonders of the many AU's they had created. It made his SOUL beat in excitement and a new resolve entered his mind. It drove him to even greater heights, in order to give everyone the perfect ending they deserved.

He kept using his power over and over again but still could not create the ideal world. That is when he realised he was constraining himself too much and decided to try even more things. He was thrilled at the new worlds he could now create but it still wasn't enough for him.

It was then his children started getting in the way of his ideals and when the first act of betrayal occured, that things fully changed. He started pushing his children away, who became more of a hindrance than a help and was eventually forced to use his powers directly on them.

Things went so much smoother after that, with far less rebellion but he still wasn't satisfied.

He lost count on the number of OVERWRITES he had performed but he did take notice of a guard who was getting too disobedient for his liking.

It was a good thing his 'great friend' Ink was happy to help in any way he could, so he decided to give them half his SOUL, in case things went wrong. It was easy to convince Ink of his end goal for a perfect multiverse but he also had some back ups, to make sure Ink cooperated.

It was a good thing he did, as that imbecile Cross destroyed their AU, in a foolish attempt to stop his plans. He was amused at how they killed all in their path and laughed when he saw that their plan was doomed to fail. His last sight was of Cross anguished cry at knowing his plan had failed, making him smile in victory.


XGaster had many fail safes in place, as there was always someone who thought they knew better than him.

Time passed in the darkness and when he awoke he was pleased to see his pawn Ink there. It had been too easy to get their paints early on in their 'friendship' and swap them out for his own creation. They had trusted him too much and that had led to their downfall in the end.


He listened in interest at the state of the multiverse but grew enraged at how Ink had lost Cross. He needed to get back his full power to continue his work and sadly Cross would be needed for that. Such a rebellious creation they were. He should have dealt with them when he had the chance.

He did perk up when he was told about an anomaly in the multiverse who was referred to as a 'Godling'. He ordered Ink to bring them to him and started preparing things for Cross arrival.

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