Chapter- 93 (S̷̲͗ṯ̶̇̅ringVerse)

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Dream is very curious about this strange babybones and educates them about 'Strings'.
Karma reaches his breaking point, just wanting to be safe for once.



Dream was tired and let out a breath of relief when he entered a safe AU. It was the perfect place to replenish his magic and all the positivity he sensed was a balm to his SOUL. There was no crisis that he was needed for so he decided to wander around and perhaps grab some lunch.

He did love spending time with Ink and Blue but it could be so tiring expending so much magic to defend the multiple AU's. It was rare to have some time for himself, so he always made sure to come to this AU when he could. That it also was a staggeringly positive one, that could keep out his counterpart, was a large bonus.

Of course he always made sure to change to less conspicuous clothing when here, as he didnt want to get mobbed by any monsters. Dream truly loved for his role but he sometimes missed his quieter life in his birth AU. Shaking those useless thoughts off he started to walk, quietly watching the scenery and the many monsters going about their daily lives. He smiled at the scene, knowing that this is why he continued his never ending job.

Dream was passing by another couple when he grimaced at sensing a spike of negativity. He stilled in order to pinpoint its location and made his way over to it, shocked at seeing the Destroyer here. He knew they wouldn't do anything here, as it was a true neutral space but was still wary.

He was a tad puzzled why they were here, as Ink often told him that the Destroyer was crazed and only driven by carnage. Dream was a tad sceptical of the claim as he could sense many other emotions in the Destroyer but he found no point in arguing with Ink when they were set on something. He decided to get close to them and was surprised to see a child next to them.

"- Give me your hand"

Dream was wary when the child did so and was shocked at the potency of magic formed on the child's wrist. How did the Destroyer know this child and why did he sense fondness?

"If you are unwell I will be alerted but you can break it to catch my attention. Do you still have Moon's number? Good. Call them when you are done and they will come and get you. Hopefully i won't be long"

He shuddered when he heard the name he used to call his brother. It must be a coincidence as he knew eating the apples had killed Nightmare and had only left corruption in its place. Ink had repeatedly told him this and while heartbreaking he still resolved to purify the remains of his brother's body, so they could rest easily.

Still, he couldn't leave this alone and without realising it he soon found himself following the babybones. He didn't recognise their features but the red and black striped clothing was reminiscent of UnderFell. Not to mention the monster dust coating them that they seemed rather oblivious to, even if the inhabitants of this AU were not.

Ink must have made another AU and had forgotten to tell him, which wasn't that unusual. With how often they made something he was surprised the other had time for daily life. He watched the child curiously and chuckled at the starry look they gave all the chocolate they bought. It was nice to see that their AU hadn't managed to destroy all their innocence yet.

When he saw them sit down on a bench he decided to go over. He was thankful this area was empty as he wanted privacy for this conversation. When Dream sat down the babybones wings rose above them and they snarled at him. He didn't bother using his magic to calm them. as he knew from experience how paranoid some Fell monsters could be.

It didn't take long before the child must have concluded that he wasn't a threat, as they looked away and munched on a chocolate bar but still kept an eye on him. He would expect nothing else from a Fell but it was still rather sad to witness this behaviour in one so young.

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