Chapter 62- (X-Bitty Multiverse)

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The Bitties have not had an easy life and sadly it doesn't get better


X-Bitty Multiverse

The three bitties shivered in the back of their cage, waiting to see where they would end up next. The three of them had been to many homes but were always sent back, as they ended up needing much more magic to survive than others of their type. It didn't help that they had formed a family bond between each other, meaning they had to be housed together.

They had been given many new names but they all decided to stick with what monster they were created after. Dream was the leader of the group with Ink and Blue acting as support. This had helped them survive many households and they feared what their next 'home' would be like. Blue hated the fact that they had to rely on others for magic and was losing hope of ever finding a true home.

They heard the bell of the shop ring and they made sure to hide themselves from any customers. It was especially bad when children came, as they liked to poke at all the Bitties, usually very roughly.

"Hello, welcome to Bitty Central, how can I help you?"

"Hello! I need a Bitty and I don't care what type. I just need it to keep my kid company most of the day. There is no limit or restriction, as long as they are non-violent"

"Let me show you the most popular types with children. If you will follow me over here"

Blue relaxed his posture, knowing their area would be avoided. Therefore he was rather shocked when a skeletons monster's face stared at him, through the glass divider.

"These are perfect. I'll take them"

"Sir, these have been sent back multiple times. Are you sure you don't want others? We have much friendlier ones available"

"Nope. I know my kid with love them"

Dream shivered at the monster, pulling his family closer towards him. He could sense their emotions and they felt strange. He didn't trust them. There was sadly not much he could do as they were soon put into the carrier box, to be sent off to their new home.

"Now listen here. I don't care what you do as long as my kid is entertained. It's rather annoying having to get you but I was told it was important not to leave kids alone..or something. I stopped listening at that point. We are here! Be good or else~"

The box they were in was roughly put on a surface and they cowered in a corner. This was already starting off badly.

"Karma~. Come see what i got"

Ink was wary of his big look alike and didn't like the tone of their voice. His SOUL sank as the lid was opened, removing the illusion of safety. He didn't look away from the larger threat, even if he briefly glanced at the child they would be a 'gift' to.

"They can keep you company now while I'm busy with work.....well, see you later"

Dream was appalled as the parent just left. He might not have the largest empathy range but he didn't sense anyone else nearby. Was the kid expected to live by themselves? He pushed back the other two when he saw the kid get closer and was confused when instead of grabbing them, their box was lowered to the ground.

"Hi, my name is Karma and you just met Ink. There should be nothing dangerous for you in the house, so feel free to explore"

Dream was bewildered how the kid then left them alone, only watching them occasionally when they moved around. They all explored this new environment starting to feel more tired as the hours went by.

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