Chapter 6-(Birth Multiverse)

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Palette life is better with Goth in it but can he convince the other that?

Dream loves his family and would not mind adding one more


Palette knew his family was differnt to others and was always reminded of that when he left the house. He wasn't sure when he realised but he knew he was being put on a pedestal, to rise to the same greatness as his parents. It always confused him when he heard that as to him his parents were just like any other monsters. His mom, Dream, had helped him control his aura as it had been haywire in the early years. It apparently had to do with his father not having a SOUL, so he would need more practice to help contain his magic.

He didn't know what to think of his dad being soulless and didn't really see the issue. It made more sense when he understood that he could sometimes sense others feelings and learnt to separate it from his own. His dads 'feelings' were never that strong and it helped balance him from being bombarded from those around him.

He loved his parents and the effort they put into teaching him magic but he was lonely. All the other kids who had met him seemed fascinated with his parents and wanted him to perform tricks for them all the time. His dad was helpful and showed how to act more over the top of his traits, to push people away.

It alwasay surprised him how well it worked but saddened him at having no friends. Meeting Goth was a new experience. He watched the other look bored with his dad and walk over to them. The formal greeting was odd from someone who looked so young but he did blush when he was complimented on how pretty his magic look. He sensed no envy or greed, only admiration which made him unsure how to react. Thankfully his mom took over talking while he gathered himself.

Dad became persistent in getting Goth to like him while he and mom watched on in hilarity. Over time he knew he saw the other as a sibling and became more protective of him. Most people saw Dream as a kind monster but forgot he often fought against the Bad sans, which Goth copied. He practised those skills on the disgusting monsters who slandered Goth and made sure to keep him safe.

He was sad that they met up less over the years but with his magic spiking as he grew he didn't feel safe being around others and refused to ever hurt Goth. When he tried to catch up with the other, he was alarmed at how dull they felt. It seemed he was watching the life drain out the other as the years passed by and he was terrified he was watching someone 'fall-down'. His mom assured him that Goth was fine but he saw the looks his parents exchanged when he was out of sight.

Mr Reaper was a strange monster and it took years before he even realised that this was Goths father. Watching them talk was weird and he was suspicious when he saw Goth actively prevent the other from touching him. He wished Goth could live with them instead but his dad always got a weird look on his face when he brought it up, so he stopped asking. He would just have to get stronger so his reputation alone could protect Goth from everyone.

When dad came back unusually grim, saying the Destroyer had taken Goth he felt sick. He magic stirred in restlessness and his mind filled with anger. He was assured they had a plan to get the other back and he refused to not take part. He wasn't in his stripes anymore so he argued he could be useful. Mom had looked wistful when he saw him but reluctantly allowed it.

The battle was loud and it was the most violence he had ever witnessed before. He knew he was more sheltered then others but that was mainly due to his parents fear of others using him to get to them. Hearing the shout of glee from his dad he turned around and was shocked. He was so glad Goth was here but was unsure what was happening.

He couldn't hear from where he was but whatever was said made dad look grim and call off the fight. All skeleton monsters looked puzzled and many tried to argue, but the angry spike of magic that swept over the area from the Creator made them quiet. Seemed a meeting between select monster would take place as a new issue had cropped up.

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