Chapter 132- (WingVerse)

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Karma is having so much fun playing with Pale and X!
Pale is very amused, while X wants to cry at the craziness he has been thrown into.


WingVerse Multiverse

Pale examined the new surroundings once he exited the portal, quickly moving out the way so the other two could come through. That so-called 'Curse' multiverse had been mildly interesting but the Balancers had been rather strange, acting so jumpy whenever he went near them.

He idly wondered what eating their Code would be like, never having been in a place like that before. Annoyingly before he could try, Oneiro had nudged him into a portal and it was only Karmas excited look that prevented him from going back to sample a few of the AU's.

He suddenly grimaced as a tingling sensation came over him, twitching but ultimately letting the Code of the multiverse affect him, despite the strong urge to just eat the magic.

He winced as his new appendages suddenly appeared, taking a moment to catch his balance. Blankly examining his new wings he carefully folded them behind him, truly having little opinion about them, only accepting this temporary change as Oneiro suggested Karma would enjoy it.

He watched in amusement as X fell onto the ground face first, when they came through the portal, their new wings clearly unbalancing them. He tried to remember if any of them had warned the monster of what was going to happen but no memory popped up, not truly caring either way.

He had only accepted the new addition, as Karma recognised them and Oneiro said there were plenty of restrictions on them, so they were unable to cause any harm to the babybones. He was even told he could just dust them if he wanted but would need to find someone else to be with them if he did, considering what happened last time he left Karma alone.

Pale had never been so annoyed by his soulless state then right now, as having to eat AU's often really took time away from his child. He would still be watching the new monster carefully though and if he needed to, he knew he could just grab Template in a true emergency. They were always up for 'adventures'.

He smiled as Karma came through, still a tad shocked at the new changes to his child's wings, feeling like they changed every time he saw them. He did enjoy the subtle rainbow and gold that practically lined every single one of his child's feathers, thinking it truly suited them.

Template had been annoyingly loud, when he showed him the pictures he received from Oneiro but he had still readily agreed with their comments. His child truly was perfect no matter the look.

Karma chirped in surprise at suddenly seeing Pale have wings, carefully tugging the closest one towards him, to look at their feathers closer. Their wings were mainly pure white with random splashes of colour, that he guessed was corresponding to an emotion they had eaten.

He smiled as they stretched them out, still jealous of how much larger other monsters' wings were compared to his own, even if it made sense. He was a child and he was just thankful he wasn't stuck with baby fluff feathers for life and had actual feathers, as it would be impossible to fly otherwise.

"...What the FUNK was that?"

Karma giggled at X, going over to their downed form while looking at their new wings, which were mainly blue and red. An odd mix to be sure but it strangely suited them, as it matched their red and blue eyelights.

X shakily stood up, instinctively spreading out his new wings to help balance, praying this wasn't another permanent change he would have to live with. The Code changes he had been forced to endure so far were bad enough and he was suddenly doubting that weird Dreams Oneiro/SwapDream words, that he had nothing to worry about .

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