Chapter 40- (SevenSins Multiverse)

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Dream is worried but finally visits Ink. Karma finds out where he is and isn't sure what to think.


SevenSins Multiverse

Karma had to say he was enjoying being carried right now. While he had made it outside to that cool air, his legs now felt numb. His opinion swiftly changed when he found he had been taken much somewhere much warmer than he wanted.

While that had to have been one of the smoothest teleportations he had ever experienced, that didn't change the disgustingly warm temperature he was being subjected to. He hissed at the monster holding him but Ink only cooed at him in response. Was he being mocked? His hackles rose but when a hand gently started petting his head he relaxed in the hold.

The only reason he allowed this Ink to hold him with little fuss was he felt their SOUL was vastly different to that mean Ink. He had no idea what he had been grabbed and was wary where he was being taken to. Karma was quite comfy resting his skull on their shoulder but knew he should look around. Finally seeing his surroundings he would admit it did look nice. Especially with all the colourful flowers surrounding the small house but that was overshadowed by the heat from his bones starting to increase.

They seemed to be heading towards the direction of another SOUL but at this point he just wanted to go back to the snow. He might have his scarf now but the benefits from this new arrangement were too few for his liking. They steered clear of the front of the home and instead headed to the back, where there were a set of seats with a familiar goat monster sitting down.

"I-Ink. What a-re you doing h-here? N-not that you aren't w-welcome, o-f course!"

When Ink sat down he jostled him a bit too hard, when they placed him on their lap. He whined when the pain in his chest flared at the abuse it was being dealt with. He felt tears gather in his eye sockets at the sudden pain and just wanted it to all stop. When Karma felt something dripping from his chest wound he was tempted to look, but a voice distracted him from his plan.

"Oh —. I'll be —— back. I-Ink, the —- needs to — off"

Karma did his best to bat the hands away but he wasn't strong enough to prevent his scarf from being removed. He had just managed to get that back. Why was Ink talking it away from him again?

The goat monster came back and placed a container of pink cream on the table. He watched as other medical supplies joined it and was a tad confused. Surely using healing magic would be preferred? This seemed like a very human method to treating injuries. He had felt the magic in others around him, so why was this chosen?

He saw the goat monster look intently at his chest, before putting on some gloves and grabbing large amounts of the cream. He braced for the pain but the cold that rushed into him was wonderful. He was a bit surprised how much they were using to cover his ribs and observed how nearly all the cream was gone. He didn't know why the goat monster looked sad about this fact. Probably took a lot of effort to make.

"That's all i can do. H-ave tt—t-hem k-eep i-it on for a-a-s l-long as p—ossble"

Poor monster looked to be struggling with their words. He did not sense any SOULS nearby, so they must prefer their time alone. Anxiety can be annoying like that. He wanted to feel his chest, as he felt it was no longer attached to him. He wasn't hot anymore but still not as cool as he would have liked. His plan to touch his chest was foiled, when his wrist was grabbed by slightly clawed hands. Gazing up he saw black substance drip form Inks mouth and sockets, but when he next blinked it was gone.

"Let's put some bandages over it. No need to wipe away all the hard work Lo-Life did"

He was placed on the other spare seat and let Ink do what they wanted. He occupied himself by looking over Life. She had pretty white fur but it was dotted around with pink. Even her wings were a vibrant pink and he almost wanted to touch them to see if they were real. The truly unusual thing was they seemed to pulse in random patterns as time went on, he was mesmerised.

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