Chapter 151- (*^&$@ Multiverse)

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Dream always found Ink confusing but that opinion only grew when he realised he didnt know them as much as he thought he did


*^&$@ multiverse

Dream didnt like to admit it but his early years were not as clear in his mind as he liked to portray. Of course he remembered the most important parts like the villagers they lOveD/HuRt them and his twin broTher/BetrAyer? but the stuff in between was a bit more fuzzy .

The clearest memory he had before he 'woke up' from his petrifaction was a golden apple rolling to his feet and wings as dark as night, that seemed to have a hidden glow to them like the stars he used to watch with Nightmare . He was pretty sure this wasnt normal and he always got a pang of pain in his mind whenever he thought about it too deeply, so eventually had just stopped trying.

He tried to justify not going to a doctor for these gaps in his memories by saying he was far too busy to get checked over and he also knew he wasn't exactly like other monsters, especially considering he came from a tree, so who knew if they would even be able to help him.

That he was being dragged around the AU's to help a strange monster named 'Ink', meant he hardly had the time to sit down, let alone do anything else. Inks odd memory lapses and the odd paint vials on their chest he nearly lost a hand when he tried to touch one further convinced him it would be pointless to share his worries with them.

Considering how Ink could be confused by the simplest things, he was unsure if they even knew what was considered as normal .

It took him years centuries to have Ink recall his name and even longer to teach them about 'personal space'. The less said about interacting with mortals the better, having given up on that specific lesson long ago.

He almost felt immense pity when Ink set his sights on a random Sans, that later decided to go by the name 'Blue', their relentless attempts to socialise Ink a lesson in perseverance that inevitably ended in failure.

He was convinced Ink was acting up on purpose but with their lack of SOUL and the use of paints, even his empathy powers weren't useful for understanding their true motives.

That isn't to say he wasnt grateful for Ink finding him, after he was freed from his prison he had been asleep for years and his mind screamed at how wrong everything was . The companionship was nice and he actually found himself opening up with his two new friends, deeply touched when years later Ink admitted their own struggles and how alone they truly felt as the Creator.

It was like having family and perhaps something more it nice not being used for his aura or what he could do for the group.

..although, Ink was still a mystery and even Blue was baffled by some of the things they learned about Ink over time..

"My home? Sure i have one! If you ever go near it you will be torn to shreds though. I put a few defences on it after all!"

"Wings are great! Hmm, maybe i should try and create more AU's with it?..what am i thinking, that's stupid! Two monsters with them is more than enough"

"-cant go back yet, i still need to sort this out. I bet birdy is growing lonely.."

... were confusing to say the least and deeply ominous .

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