Chapter 124- (DreamSwap Multiverse)

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Karma is scared and confused but at least he found dad!...right?


DreamSwap Multiverse

Karma was holding his plushy bear in a death grip, the magic coming off it felt like the only thing keeping him somewhat calm right now. He felt like he had been walking for hours but still nothing seemed to change with his surroundings. He narrowed his sockets at a tree, having a sneaking suspicion he had passed this one already.

He abruptly sat on the ground, annoyed that he had no idea where he was. His dad had taken him to so many places, surely there weren't that many multiverses? He cuddled his bear, sniffling in sadness. He wasn't enjoying his holiday anymore..

He stiffened when he felt a multitude of SOULS suddenly appear, shivering in unease. He was tempted to leave but paused as he felt a rather bright one, chirping at the familiarity of it. Hastily getting up he went straight towards the SOULS, pausing as he got to the tree line, hearing a lot of noise occurring.

His smile faltered at all the magic being thrown around and spotting so many monsters but he lit up when he saw something gold. He finally found them!


Dream usually wouldn't be this expressive but he couldn't help the wide grin that came over his face. He was so close to his goal and he just needed the right opening. He scowled as his sword only skimmed Nightmares side, having to swiftly dodge when Cross swung their weapon towards him.

The Meme Squad were so pathetic and he was going to crush them like the ants they were. His perfect world would come true! His eyelights sharpened when he saw Nightmare falter and lunged, having to jump back yet again, when Blue got in his way.

He stood back and glared darkly at Blue, about to ask them what the hell they were doing but frowned as they pointed to the tree line. His skull snapped to where they pointed, just realising he could sense someone nearby. Was this a trap? It was bizarre that Nightmare was able to find yet another member, as their group wasn't really that popular to begin with.

He raised his sword, prepared to cut down the newest pest but faltered when a tiny monster made their way over. He briefly looked at Nightmare, sensing their bafflement as well, so was sure this was their idea. He grew grim when he realised it was a child, as this AU was chosen to limit the number of casualties and should have been uninhabited.

He really thought his rule had eliminated this kind of abuse but it seemed he still missed some scum that needed to be removed, which he would personally deal with. It seemed he would need to retrain his members yet again.

Dream un summoned his weapon once the child got close, discreetly checking them over for any injuries. His wings soon lowered in relief, as it thankfully looked like the child hadn't been alone for long. He crouched down to their level, trusting Ink to have his back if the other side tried anything. Before he could even say anything his jaw fell open, with what the child said.

"Dad! I found you again"

Dream was speechless at the pure happiness that came off them, still frozen when they ran over and wrapped their arms around his neck. He glared when he saw Blue smirk, giving him a rather mischievous look.

"Shut u-"

"..missed you dad"

Dream looked down at the child in bewilderment, his hands still limp by his side, completely lost on how to proceed. His eyelights widened in alarm when they pulled back, sensing their negativity start to grow.

"Dad? What's wrong?..aren't you happy to see me?"

He stuttered as he saw their wings droop, their eyelights starting to wobble in their sockets. When he heard them let out a sad whine his body moved as if on autopilot, gathering them in his arms and standing up, adjusting them to rest on his hip. When he finally realised what he had done, he now had a happily purring babybones in his arms,

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