Chapter 164- Completing the Circle part 2

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Karma is recovering and being around monsters who care is only helping that progress


The continuation of the collaboration with Firehedgehog 😸


Between Omniverses

Hearth felt rather over stressed, his body was used to two SOULS merged as they were not three so he felt ill.

Its was why he needed to seal the island, he himself would be deep sleeping during this time. He made sure Sora knew he'd be unable to leave the bitty room then set everything up.

Soon enough his body fell into a deep sleep.

Mental Landscape

Karma was still napping with Goth and Palette in Hearths mindscape, his mind requiring the break to recover from all the time spent having FATES sole attention for so long.

"Well, we have all the time we need now" Palette said nuzzling Karma, Goth smiled.

"I know, when he's ready we'll ask what he wants done with 404 and the other SOULS we grabbed his SOUL tagged" Goth hummed.

"Now though, it's time to nap while our body naps" Palette giggled, and the two of them joined Karma asleep.


Karma did steadily improve as the years passed in the mindscape, able to stay awake for longer periods of time with his mind healing to an ever stronger state then it had been in literal centuries.

It had been longer then that, FATE'S role in his life starting when he first started the whole cycle of rebirth and death, his mind greatly affected by the Deities personal interference in his existence.

The rest was very much needed for the eternal babybones..even if he kept referring to his stay here as 'waiting to be born again, when the pregnancy was done' to the utter mortification of Goth and Palette.

He was currently sitting in Palettes lap and listening to them talk about art while scribbling in a sketchbook, enjoying the time spent getting to know the two halves of Hearth better.

Palette smiled and leaned down and nuzzled Karma, he was enjoying this. While this was in his mind, all of it was real. Mind you, while the artwork and things he would preserve in their castle of their mind, he knew Karma was planning to recreate many of his masterpieces.

And likely ask of them as Hearth, could make the tent inside and out look like the castle.

He might try, a bit tired of the cottage setting he'd had it for years before FATE made her last fatal mistake of taking their soulchild.

He could do without the pregnancy remarks, Oneiro would get weird ideas from them he just knew.

A snort escaped him at the thought of Oneiro, knowing that the man would likely move in properly after this to be a full time roommate when no one was wandering. He liked having a friend nearby, even if he did drive Oneiro into a worried state that he'd steal Karma all for themselves.

They'd never do that!

Maybe... as long as Oneiro's mental health continued improving he wouldn't act. Goth traded looks with him, knowing his thought processes way too well.

Karma looked up with a cute chirp, looking so much like a mini Gothy he wanted to squeal. Their baby brother/kid was awesome.

"Hey Karma, when you're finally ready and we unseal the island. Do you think we should invite Oneiro to move here properly, he lived here almost all the time anyway we'd just have to make sure he doesn't live in the library?" Goth asked, asking the question they both wanted to know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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