Chapter- 106 (Guardian Haven Multiverse)

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'Parasite' had been alive for a long time and a new vessel was desperately needed. It's a good thing one was practically hand delivered to him~


Guardian Haven Multiverse

It had been watching the whole time, it always was, as it had little else to do. Its 'subordinates' bored it, even if it was forced to play the role of exasperated Negativity Guardian. It was growing tempting to just dust them all but it sadly needed them, at least until it found a new vessel to live in.

It had perked up when it felt a powerful being enter its multiverse, curious and hungry to know more. Not many realised what it was or that this place was its home multiverse but that was fine with them. Being underestimated was what kept it alive for so long after all. It was also how they kept their 'brother' from killing them. Monsters were so simple and easy to play with, even the so-called 'mighty Guardians'.

It knew it was superior to them and was merely biding its time to take over the multiverse, as it rightly deserved all along. It often came to these gatherings of Guardians as it enjoyed hearing of the many new places, not to mention the tantalising power many of them gave off. It was often tempted to leave the broken vessel that was slowly dusting, that it had overtaken many years ago but it didn't want to risk it too soon. It had to plan things perfectly, or it would be the end of it.

It had slowly slipped into the group, getting to know the many Guardians, amused how they never noticed it was never quite the same as them. It still had feelings and thoughts but it knew it resembled more a Parasite than a true monster. Even more amusing that in the end it became its chosen name.

When asked it said it was to spite its 'brother' who would refer to it as such in the early years. That had been rather early on when its acting had been truly deplorable and before the memories from this vessel's SOUL finally became its own.

It had lately been eyeing the one named Ordeal, as they felt sufficiently powerful and seemed to let their guard down a lot. Perfect for it to capitalise on. It was standing beside its target, having become 'friends' with them, when it felt the new magic in the multiverse, its tentacle swaying in pleasure. The new being smelled powerful and it thought the SOUL of this new thing would be even better. It startled as its old target choked and tried to act concerned, when it felt their magic lash out.

"Are you ok, Ordeal? Your magic is kind of-


It shivered as their magic washed over it, glad there was no positivity in it. It rather disliked the major weakness of this vessel but looking at the source of the new magic, it felt that would soon no longer be an issue. It tilted its skull, examining the tiny monster in curiosity. They felt powerful and it smirked at how much better it would be once it grew up.

It sadly had to leave when it felt monsters from that Sin multiverse come in. It was rather uncomfortable being around them, feeling they could easily look through it with little issue. As it moved away it shivered at the gaze it felt on their body, moving quicker to escape the feeling. It smirked when it heard Ordeal speak, amused at the silly rules its vessel's brother set up.

"N-Now wait a moment. You can't just leave this AU, you have to ask the owner". Ordeal tried to interject to this idea, trying to do some damage control.

" No need. It's all approved! "

It quietly chuckled as Abstinence spoke up, knowing what they spoke of, as its vessel had still been connected to its counterpart. That bond had broken a few days ago and it hardly took much to guess what had happened. It had tried to warn its 'brother' that what they were doing would have consequences. It had felt a tad protective of the golden being, due to its vessels' memories but it was also glad that weakness was now gone, leaving it to be much more free in its actions.

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