Chapter- 108 (Chaos Couple Multiverse)

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Abstinence insists they all meet a certain couple. Gluttony panics, Oneiro is confused and Pale is just here for the ride. At least Karma has fun.


Guardian Haven Multiverse

Abstinence was feeling rather smug at getting his way. They had argued on where to go next, with Pale not caring either way and he finally won. He could see the resignation on Gluttony's face, making his smile widen at the fun that was soon to occur.

Chaos Couple Multiverse

Abstinence led the group through the portal, amused by the confusion at their destination. He knew it looked underwhelming at first glance, as it was just a large living room, even if there were random items scattered about, with bright splashes of colour on the walls. He smirked at Gluttony's glower and opened his mouth, much to their panic.


"I hate you so much!"

Gluttony whispered just before two skeletons monsters raced in the room, pausing at seeing them. They were rather eccentric monsters but he did find them entertaining, even if Gluttony bemoaned how they were attached to him. He knew if they truly disliked them they would have left and never come back, not visit and update them on what they had been up to.

"INK! Where have you been my child?!"

Gluttony grumbled as he was soon between the two Gaster variants, limply hanging in their grasp with a done look on his face.

Abstinence cackled at their misfortune, just managing to avoid their overly affectionate behaviour. He could see Oneiro looked baffled at what was going on, so took pity on the golden winged monster, knowing it would soon be their turn.

" It took a while to get better at using portals and we had a few mishaps here and there. Gluttony somehow managed to end up here and couldn't portal out, so was stuck here for months "

"..that doesn't explain whatever 'this' is~"

" To put it bluntly they got adopted "


"Introduce us to your friends, son"

Oneiro snorted, with Gluttony looking resigned at the interruption, deciding to observe the closet skeleton. They wore a bright red top hat with a matching trouser and shirt. The green sleeveless coat they wore deeply offended his eyes and he twitched at their overly happy expression. He was used to more serious Gasters, not whatever this was.

The other Gaster was far more interesting, with their black wings tipped with purple feathers and their long bone tail. They had a hood covering the majority of their skull but he much preferred their simple purple robe to the other Gasters outfit. He hugged Karma tighter, as he felt them tense at these new monsters, preparing to dust them if needed.

"They aren't my frie-"

"Family? Even better! Did you have a child? Is that your brother? Why didn't you tell us!"

Gluttony sighed at the barrage of questions, that didn't allow him any time to answer. He waited for Top to take a breath before speaking over them.

"The one with the stupid top hat it called, Top"

"It's not stupid! It's very fashionable dont you kn-"

"And the much more tolerable one is called Zephr-"

"Please, call me Aster"

"These skeletons rather kindly allowed me to stay with them when I was stranded here. I consider them friends "

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