Chapter 14- (Second Multiverse)

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SwapDream comes to visit and no one is happy


Waking up it almost felt like he was back home. Ink presence was calming and he let out a purr at being fed magic. Opening his socket she realised his mistake, when he saw the white dots staring at him. Memories flashed back at last night's events and he held back a grimace. Ink might have stated he cared but he remembered no mention of anyone else's thoughts.

It was nice to imagine but he knew Ink alone wouldn't be able to be his support. He hardly knew this monster and asking further questions was still dangerous. Being open with others was a foreign feeling as he didn't want to give strangers 'weapons', better able to strike him deep. He may want rest but his mind was his only true escape. He would have to bury his true self further to stay safe. His SOUL gave a twinge at his thoughts but it was ignored. Having his entire being easy to locate would have been terrifying, if he didnt know it was also the easiest way for him to finally leave .

"You are awake and fed".

Inks voice was bland and he was unsure what the other wanted. Nodding he stretched out his body, refusing to move off the other.

"I need paint to help more".

He pushed his face in the other's neck and puffed his wings, to show his displeasure. Logically he knew the other required paints but it was another matter seeing it in person. Sitting up on Inks chest he glanced at the vials speculatively. Would they work on him? The white looked the most tempting. Just drifting through this life till he could leave. His fingers twitched in want but he would not do that to Ink. Who knew how long it took to restock paints. There had to be other ways to get what he wanted.

Looking at all the colours he was unsure what the other needed exactly. He grabbed Inks hand and placed it on the vials, slowly passing each one. This proved effective as the yellow one was clutched and brought to the Creator's mouth.

Watching symbols form in their eyes was mesmerising. Ink seemed more alert as he sipped from his other colours. It brightened his features as more paint was ingested, till they looked like their usual self.

Ink was pleased his plan had worked so well. He might have forgotten to say a few things but he was sure that was fine. He grinned at Karma, who was still perched on him. The other was so cute! They looked much liverier than yesterday, which he approved of. His eyelights quickly switched to exclamation marks, while staring at the others' wings.

"You're a bird!".

The confused look made him coo but his plan was set. He had been meaning to do this for a while but Dream kept discouraging him. Remembering yesterday's failure he was sure this trip would please Karma. He opened a inky portal beneath them, dropping into a grassy meadow.

He eagerly watched as Karma perked up at the surroundings and saw their wings twitch with the breeze. They got off him, head twisting around as if afraid to miss any new detail. The buzzing of his phone was getting annoying, so he opened it and grimaced at the message. It seemed it was here. Not many understood his persistent dislike but that first meeting was enough to cement his opinion. Looking at Karma he hesitated in taking them away, from something they finally looked like they wanted to do.

"Ka-Goth. You can fly if you want. I'll be right back. I can stay if you want, you just need to say".

Using their real name was the right call as he saw them stutter in shock. They seemed to contemplate what to say, before they confirmed they would be fine by themselves. He was wary to take them at their word but didn't want to smother them. Dream seemed to be doing that enough for the both of them. With one last glance he teleported away, hoping to get rid of it as soon as possible

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