Chapter- 88 (Ḁ̷͈͛n̶̜̻̳̑̎̕t̶͓̋̽ȉ̴̭͎͉V̵̧̮̫͝o̶̲̱̓̈́̕ǐ̴̭̬͜d̸̡̘̆̌̐)

413 40 6

Karma liked the AntiVoid. He didn't like the three new monsters though..


FGOC Multiverse

Nova stood by the SwapDream called Sol, very amused at how they thought they had gotten one up on him. He might be insane but he wasn't an idiot. The main reason he allowed them to take Karma to these 'friends' of theirs, was to get more cannon fodder for the Godling, when things inevitably went to shit.

He roughly put his hand on Sols shoulder and pumped them full of his magic, smirking at the pain they received from the process. If they had asked why it hurt so much, he had the perfect excuse of this part being 'vital' to allow them to move multiverses easier but truthfully he was just being spiteful, for them having the nerve to be so close to his Godling.

He was more than happy to watch the chaos of Sol getting to the new multiverse by themselves, while he also got to annoy Oneiro in the meantime. He had told Oneiro multiple times he didn't want to only watch but of course the idiot ignored it. This is what he gets for ignoring him.

" Good luck, pigeon. Hope we never meet again "

He turned his gaze towards Sols arms, where he could spot Karma close to waking up. His gaze softened and he gently pat their skull, smirking at the glare they gave at being woken up.

" Have fun, Godling "

Sol was relieved when Nova finally left and started gathering his magic to get to his destination. Little aster had been losing their shine as the months passed and that could not be allowed. They were much too interesting to let that happen~.


Sol stumbled on the 'ground' and grumbled at how annoying it was to find these beings. He was a tad suspicious why Nova hadn't done this himself but he had sensed their sadistic amusement when looking at him, which was answer enough. Not to mention he wasn't powerful enough to truly go against them, it was just lucky that this time they had a similar goal~.

He wished he was able to enter the multiverse the Creator suggested but the sheer power needed to do so, not to mention it being watched by a Deity rather closely, was too much of a risk to try.

He had also heard of some rumours that the Destroyer was a tad..unhinged. Now normally he would have ignored that, as he was hardly sane himself, but the powers he had heard they had even made him flinch.

Sol was a tad wary if Karma would survive it but the Creator had merely smirked and said it would all be fine. That had made him twitch in irritation and he only calmed down when Nova admitted to knowing that multiverse as well. They might be an insane Destroyer but he at least knew they cared for the was more himself he had the worry about now .

Which was why his 'friends' would be ever so helpful~.

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