Chapter 152- (*^&$@ Multiverse)

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Karmas mere existence causes many headaches for Blue and Dream but Ink is still having a great time


*^&$@ multiverse

Doodle Sphere

"Have you gotten bigger? You look like you have. Still very cute though~"

Dream and Blue looked on in disbelief as Ink, the most socially inept monster they knew, that they had witnessed multiple times make grown monsters cry, babytalk a babybones.

"Do you need more food, Goth?"

"Im good, Ink"

"...i think you need a few more snacks. You are looking far too thin and look at your poor bones! You should have called me!"

"I didnt want to bother yo-"

" Goth . We talked about this..just eat your snack and then i will preen you. Dont think i didnt notice how messy your feathers are"


Blue said faintly, Dreams hand on his shoulder the only thing grounding him and making him believe this wasn't a weird nightmare. He hadnt been sure what to think when Dream had contacted him that they had some 'shocking news' feeling they had made a massive understatement.

Actually visiting Inks home had been a surprise but then seeing the babybones in Inks arms, had completely blown his mind. This interaction was very odd to watch, Ink only having briefly glanced at him before their entire attention went back on the child.  

He could hardly believe that this was the same monster who had once gotten distracted by a butterfly and somehow ended up fighting a Gaster in the Underground ten AU's away from where they should have been meeting.


"Yes Blue. It is Ink"

Dream said patiently, despite this being the sixth time he had been asked but he could hardly blame them. He had been with Ink ever since they brought the babybones here and used his magic to try and dispel any illusion magic and even he was puzzled by this new side of Ink.

His gaze shifted to the babybones again, before something that had been nagging him suddenly clicked in his mind.

Why couldn't he feel any emotions from them?

...were they soulless like Ink?! Is that why they connected?

While Dream was having another mini breakdown, Ink continued to fuss over Goth, hardly having put them down since finding them again a few hours ago. He had listened intently when they told him how they left the Doodle Sphere he hadnt thought they would even know how to travel to other AU's and kept the calm look on his face when they described what they had been up to with Nightmare.

It seems Nightmare would get to live another day, surprised to realise that his rogue creation wasnt as far gone as he believed he wouldnt erase them from existence but he still had plenty of ideas to show his displeasure .

He hummed in question when Goth pat his face, realising he must have been lost in thought. He gave them an amused look when they huffed, resisting the urge to coo when their wings puffed up in annoyance before sighing and grabbing his hand and putting it on his paint vials.

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