Chapter 17- (SwapDream Multiverse)

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SwapDream isn't the worst person to stay with


Dream was bewildered at how quickly things had changed. He knew his personality could get a bit too much for some, but he wasn't used to being dragged around with no fear. His little raven saw no issues with using him as a personal heater or food source. No one was that relaxed in his presence especially without his aura.

He had initially been worried his magic could hurt them but it seemed he had worried for nothing. He watched as they slept peacefully on his chest, as if he hadn't just kidnapped them. Not needing being unable to sleep had its perks, at having plenty of time to think. His eyelights drifted to the others wings but he restrained himself from doing anything else. He didn't want to crush any trust so early on in the others' stay. He did know what restraint was, brother.

The following morning was uneventful but it seemed the pattern of magical feeding would continue. He had made sure to offer a variety of foods but they were all rejected. Instead Karma waited for him to finish eating before sitting on him. He approved of how close the other stayed to him but the implications were making him furious.

Another odd habit was they tended to lean into his wings as often as they could, but startled when his hands touched them. He might need to find out where the little bird came from, to pay a special 'visit' to their magic donors.


Karma was enjoying his stay and appreciated how large the building was. He had been allowed to wander as long as Dream followed him. He was fine with this arrangement, as the new things he found never seemed to end. The servants were also very friendly and seemed shocked when he greeted them. He remembered having to do their role with a harsh master, a little kindness could go a long way for someone's day.

He had been intrigued at seeing the gardens through the windows, but Dream tended to block all exits with his body. Did the other think he would rush past him to escape? He had no idea where they were and he was currently happy to live in comfort. It wasn't much of a change, compared to how life was after the truce occured.

His mood lowered when thinking about his original multiverse, which quickly summoned Dream. He was picked up and carried to the direction of the library. This was the best room and always made him happy. He was let down and looked to find any exciting books. He happily sat on the large sofa, before a thought occurred to him.

Gazing at Dream back, he was curious what negativity felt like? Was it painful or an itch you had to find the source of? Why did the other feel compelled to stop it? This Dream had been very attentive to his needs, some would say creepily so. He was too old to care about the 'social norms' and saw deeper into it. The other was lonely. He watches as they spread their magic when they neared others, as if to save them from a negative reaction.

He was content reading his book when his SOUL started to ache. Examining his magic he realised his bonds were tugging at him. He hated that feeling and Reaper learned early on he would block him if he tried. Following the flow it seemed as if this new Ink was seeing if he was safe. He could easily open the bond to let them know but Dream distracted him before he could decide.

"What's wrong, my raven? You are distressed~"

He saw no reason to lie so told them what he felt. He saw a strange gleam in their eyelights, before their hand grasped the feather around his neck. Magic gathered in Dream's hand and suddenly stopped. He no longer felt any of his bonds anymore. He knew they weren't broken, as the feeling was much more distinctive, but it was as if they didn't exist.

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