Chapter 145- (*^&$@ Multiverse)

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Karmas bad day just keeps getting worse and the Bitties worry over the babybones


*^&$@ multiverse

Sunny nearly threw up at such an abrupt mode of travel, never having experienced something like that before. He felt dizzy and disoriented, even the air feeling heavy to his senses. What made it worse was that when his eyes finally focused, all he saw was a beautiful forest and clear blue skies, clearly contrasting with the almost suffocating feeling in the air.

He nearly burst into relieved tears when the uncomfortable feeling suddenly vanished, replaced with the cold yet comforting magic from Karma.

"W-What was that?!"

He squeaked out, shaky and not realising he was clinging to his friends in a vice grip and nearly choking Blot in the process.

"...Just a greeting. I will make sure to block it from you, Sunny"

Karma said distractedly, busy eyeing the new AU warily. His wings bristled when he felt the foreign magic surge again, using the tricks Eclipse taught him to muffle the far too enthusiastic 'greeting' for his liking. His gaze landed on the source, not pleased at how persistent this Tree of Feelings was.

He wasn't sure what would happen to a Dream Bitty if they were subjected to that type of magic for too long, so made sure to stay on guard to protect his friends.

He flinched when the odd numbers appeared in his vision again, shaking his head to try and get rid of them.

He had far larger things to worry about now, realising he was still in the same multiverse as before. He could tell due to the magic in the air having a distinct feeling far too familiar , very confused at what could have gone wrong.

He knew his portal capabilities weren't the best but this was far too unusual even for him, usually ending up somewhere far away from his original destination whenever he failed. He spiked his magic to form another portal, freezing when he sensed SOULS rushing to their location, his magic abruptly cutting out in his shock.

"We need to go, now . Hold on!'

He murmured a quick warning before using his wings to give him a boost while he ran, his invisibility being useless due to the nature of the two SOULS coming their way.

"Why are we in such a rush?!"


"I feel sick..."

He didn't have time to comfort the Bitties, his breath stuttering when he caught a glance of the two beings. He really wanted to stop and study them, it rather rare to encounter these two SOULS so early in the timeline but his common sense kicked in when Sunny whimpered.

He was sure he would have this chance in the future, for now he needed to hide and try to find out what was happening with his magic. He didn't stop running until he was far from any SOULS, needing a movement of quiet to try and gather his thoughts and figure out what was happening right now.

"...You should stop now, Karma. You can't keep this up"

Blot said in worry, unsure how long the babybones had been running for but considering the sun had gone down, he would assume it had been a long time.

He shared a look filled with worry with Sunny and Azure, purring to try and calm the frantic babybones. He knew Bitties were originally made as a companion for certain monsters, disgusted how it had changed over the years to them acting more like pets or worse simple toys to be used and discarded.

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