Chapter 142- (Void)

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Karma finally finds something interesting in the Void but the Bitties would very much like to go home right now



"..I was kind of expecting more excitement. This place is a tad disappointing...and boring.."

Karma pouted when he stopped walking, sadly not having found much since being here, apart from even more fragmented SOULS. He was confused how there seemed to be so many, sensing they were all from different monsters and the occasional rare human but not much else was around.

"You were expecting excitement, from a place called the Void?!"

Sunny felt like he was having a constant SOUL attack and whenever he thought it might calm down, Karma seemed to find the newest fun thing to examine and poke. They had nearly been eaten so many times, knowing in his SOUL that it was only Karmas desire and magic for them to be safe, that prevented this place from devouring them all.

He didn't care if the babybones thought it was 'silly' that he believed the entire place wanted to devour them, as to him it felt like a predator just keeping watch, waiting for a second of inattention to pounce and end them.

"Sure was. Reaper really hyped this place up..i should have expected he was lying"

Karma wasn't completely disappointed, quite enjoying the atmosphere but made sure to keep a layer of his magic over the Bitties to help calm them down, as they were far too tense for his liking. He was clueless why they wouldn't just accept his offer to drop them off somewhere else, carefully pulling a section of the scarf down for Blot, who had been shuffling inorder to try and get a better look at their surroundings.

They happened to be the only one who seemed to show some interest in this place, giggling as they nuzzled his fingers in thanks.

"You know, I think Reaper might have been making up many things."

He said thoughtfully, as after having explored many multiverses, some of their 'lessons' didn't seem to make much sense..or his Birth multiverse was just weird .

Both options were entirely plausible, considering he had never heard of anyone having the same type of role as him before. Not even the few adult Goths variants he met had any idea what he was talking about when he discreetly asked, curious what else was so different about his original multiverse.


Azure asked, curious to learn more about the babybones life but still refusing to look out from the comfort of Karmas scarf. One look had been enough for him to decide that he wanted nothing to do with the Void, Sunny the only other sane one who fully agreed with him. Blot was a lost cause, having seemingly forgotten their initial terror in only a few hours how did time even work here?

Karma took a moment to try and formulate a response, ending up waving to the entire area, momentarily forgetting that only one of the Bitties would see this gesture.

"I mean, he said SOULS couldn't survive long out of the body but then Killer variants exist and so do corrupted spirits. He also said that the Void would rip people apart quite easily but I can sense that isn't quite true either. The less said about the 'facts' he told me about the AntiVoid, the better really.....It just seems he taught me so many contradictory things and its a bit confusing to parse out what's true or not.."

"Im sorry but what?! How aren't we all dead?!"


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