Chapter- 120 (Between Omniverses)

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Karma starts feeling lonely but that soon changes, ending up in a strange new place...had he been here before?



Karma had to stay in the AntiVoid for a while, as his dad had been worried about Mr Oneiro finding them so soon. He felt odd whenever that odd monster was mentioned but still readily agreed with dads decision, not wanting to cause more stress for his dad. They were still being so very fussy after his sudden illness and he would hate to make them feel worse.

Although, they did have a rather odd reaction when they asked him a certain question.

"Karma, how would you feel if I made sure that Oneiro could never come near you again? I could go and personally deal with them right now, if you wished?"

Karma wanted to enthusiastically agree but paused, feeling something was wrong with this question. No matter how he thought it would be best there was a small part of him that screamed this was wrong. So he decided to answer honestly.

"..i dont know"

He cooed as his dads eyelights flashed, finding it rather pretty, although he spotted some unnamed emotion there as well but it did lead to them cuddling for the rest of the day, which was rather nice. Dad never brought that up again but they started to stay away for a longer period of time for some reason.

He rather enjoyed being in the white space, as his dad had left a lot of things to entertain him and had even made a massive nest he could lay in...but he still wished to go outside again.

He did spend most of the time napping but his dad reassured him that was normal, especially considering how much magic he had used to help his fri- ex-friends. He still felt sad thinking about that but dad said he would always make new ones, which had lifted up his spirits.

"Did you sleep enough, little star?"

He spun around, chirping a greeting at his dad, giggling as he was lifted up before they both flopped into the nest.

"Yep!..Can I go outside yet?"

"Not yet, little one. You still aren't recovered"

Karma was disappointed by the news but unsurprised. That seemed a common theme at this point but dad did point out they had never gotten this sick before. Why did he feel like that was a lie?

"Fine..are you at least staying longer today?"

It seemed his dad hardly spent time with him lately.

"Sorry, little bird. I still have a few things to do still"

Karma whined but knew there would be no convincing them otherwise, so he decided to enjoy the time he had with them.


While Karma did like the AntiVoid he was getting rather twitchy. He had more energy now, so hardly needed to sleep, meaning he was getting rather lonely. It didn't help that he had no clue how long he had been here, as it felt that everytime he asked dad they said it had only been a few days.

So, not having much to do he decided to think more of this mystery name he had spoken. 'Traveller' sounded like a cool name and he was sure he would have remembered a monster with a name like that. He never brought it up with dad, especially after the first time he did as they suddenly disappeared for a long time.

That had been a lonely time..

His hand rose to his scarf again, hovering over the area the pin had been. It had been a pretty pin and he had really liked the magic in it and was starting to regret giving it to dad. He bet they already destroyed it.

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