Chapter 33- (Raven Multiverse)

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Ink comes over to help but more back up may be needed


Raven Multiverse

Raven had a pretty good life. He was loved by his parenst and he adored his big brother Goth. His family never made him feel less, for the wound he had inherited from his mother. While his magic was vast he was unable to access it without aggravating the permanent wound.

His dad had made sure to give him plenty of ways to defend himself. Learning to use his scythe instead made him feel more confident in himself. He had been thrilled the first time he had been allowed to explore AU's, with his mum of course.

It was amazing seeing such similar looking monsters with different personalities and lives. He had wanted to see more and begged his parents for every chance he could get.

He may have been out of stripes but he was still kept away from knowing the full goings on of their multiverse. His parents wanted him to be as carefree as possible and enjoy his youth while he could.

He had met some other Gods such as the Creator and briefly the Destroyer, but dad hadn't been happy to leave him alone with either for long. With dad being a God it was unlikely he would die anytime soon, meaning he wouldn't have to worry about leaving his family or being in a rush to learn new things.

He was happy as he continued training his skills and meeting up with all his friends. He was content with how life was going, so was rather surprised when a visitor dropped into their lives. He had been in his room, busy reading manga when a surge of death magic was felt throughout the house.

He jolted as his senses were bombarded with not only his fathers but a stranger's magic. It felt oddly similar to his sense and spiked his curiosity. Getting up he sneaked downstairs, spotting his family in the living. Trying to find the other magic he realised it was from the tiny monster, sitting beside Goth. He would have cooed at how cute they were if he couldn't have felt the tension.

When dad tried to get closer to them, the sound that came out of the small monster was alarming. Looking closer he noticed their fangs were bared and how they made sure to keep his parents in their sight at all times.

"Hello little one. My name is Geno and this is my mate Reaper. Why don't you stay the night to rest up? You can stay with Goth if you want?".

He saw their face turn towards the front door and his breath caught at how much like Goth they looked. They didn't verbally answer and instead climbed onto his brother, waiting to be taken upstairs. He quietly headed to his room, in order to give the new guest some space.

When he heard Goth's door close he went towards his parents, wanting to know just what was happening.

"Raven! Good you are here. Your dad has something he needs to explain to you. I'm sure you felt it but we have a babybones visiting. We are unsure about them as they haven't spoken to anyone".

He nodded at his mum, bracing for what his dad had to say. It was usually something related to his role, when dad had that expression on his face.

"You need to be aware that you may feel a slight tugging on your magic, if you ever touch the babybones. Their SOUL is rather...insistent on trying to activate our powers".

He grimaced and understood the meaning. He was grateful his and Goths powers were not as strong as their dads, so they could at least touch monsters without issues. They still had to learn control when their powers first appeared. It had been a trying experience but he never wanted to hurt anyone by accident.

"Head to bed, sweetheart. We shall hopefully learn more tomorrow".


Walking to his room his curiosity took over and he carefully opened Goth's door. The tiny wings were no longer hidden and were easily seen, poking out from his brother's bigger wing. He had always been jealous of not being born with them but seeing some of the instincts that came with it, he was glad. It was hard enough being a death god let alone one attracted to shiny things.

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