Chapter 134- (WingVerse)

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Karma gets lost and X does not have a good time



Karma waved as Pale stepped through the portal, holding Xs' hand while he watched them leave.

He had noticed that Pale had been getting rather lethargic lately, knowing what the problem was immediately. He could see how hesitant they were to leave but had pointed out that he still had X and Nix with him, encouraging them to go 'eat'.

He would be fine and there was still so much for him to explore, so he wouldn't get bored anytime soon.

X felt an invisible weight leave him once Pale left, wiping away some sweat from his brow at the intense white eyed stare he had been given before they left. He was far more relaxed now that he didn't have eyes constantly on him, that he had felt were constantly judging him and his actions.


..of course he couldn't forget Karmas familiar but he felt he was growing used to their constant disapproving stare by now.

It was far more relaxing just being with Karma again, having a small smile as he was tugged alone by the excited babybones, nodding along as they sprouted out more suggestions for places to visit.

He was surprised when he felt something buzzing in his pocket and when he put his hand to check what it was, he was shocked to see a phone.

He didn't even own a phone!

He stared warily as it buzzed again, briefly glancing at Karma who was crouching over a flower and cautiously opened the messages, feeling himself pale at what he read.

Oneiro: Have fun, X. I'm sure everything will go perfectly~

..that had to be the creepiest and most threatening message he had ever seen, mentally cursing all these stupid overpowered monsters who didn't understand what boundaries were.

This creepy Dream was the worst, twitching as he saw more messages pop up, deciding it was best to put the device away before he had a SOUL attack. He felt he would pay for this later but his nerves were shot and he was unsure just how much more he could take of this.

Couldn't he have just one moment of peace from the insanity?!

"X? Where are we going now?"


Karma giggled as he explored some cool crystal caves, the past few days having been great. X knew about so many places and even Nix was having fun stalking some animals. His familiar might not need to eat but they still enjoyed it and Karma was just thrilled that they were both having fun.

He touched a large glowing stone, cooing at how it was nearly as big as his hand. That was definitely going into his shiny collection, not having added anything to it in a while, which he quickly needed to correct.

Humming happily as he put the rock in his Inventory he walked back to X, endlessly amused by how messy their wings got everyday. Currently all their red feathers were sticking out but that was ok, as that meant he got to preen them again!

Although, he could do without the weird giggling in the back of his mind, that he had been hearing nearly constantly. Combined with the odd tugging sensations on his SOUL, which was rather unsettling, he was starting to think it may be a serious issue, tempted to tell X... but there were far more important things going on right now that needed his full attention. Such as all the shinies he would soon be adding to his collection!

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