Chapter 44- (SevenSins Multiverse)

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Reapers (Envy) path to how he ended up alone.

Karma is not pleased by the changes that have happened to them


SevenSins Multiverse

Reaper had been alone for many years, through his own choice. He had chosen a land that was un desirable to mortals and immortals alike and decided to exile himself here. He might be miserable in how his life currently is going but it wasn't always like that.

He had been one of the few happy at being granted a Power and he loved the feeling it gave him. He had lived alone before he was changed, with hardly any family or friends to call his own. When he received a Power he didn't just gain more strength but a new family to call his own. He knew not all of the others saw it that way but what else would they be called in this circumstance, that connected them all.

He stopped counting the years since he had been a simple monster and instead tried to live life to the fullest. As soon as he had been trained to control his gift he was let loose and he enjoyed every minute of it. He never knew how easy it was to get addicted to his Power but soon learned.

Early on he often liked indulging in his gift making it much easier for him to go too far. He had just wanted to cause a little stir in the local village, between two rivals in business. His Power practically begged him to encourage more Envy to build up, so he happily complied.

He had whispered in certain ears, spread his magic in certain individuals and was prepared to watch the fall out in all its glory. He knew Ink tended to do something similar, so he saw no issue in playing it himself. What he now bitterly realised was that Ink had much longer to get used to the urges that their Powers could cause. Indulging themselves wasn't bad but if you get too deep it can easily consume you.

As the Envy in the village spiked he felt his true form break free and his Power ran amok. The screams of fear from the mortals soon turned to anger, towards each other, for every grievance. He feasted on the atmosphere being produced and wanted even more.

He went between villages with no rest, not caring he was showing his true form to all around. He started to lose time and soon his body moved like a puppet, going through the motions to achieve his singular goal. He never fully realised what was happening, until his counterpart Love found him. He cared deeply for his other half but at that moment he didn't see a friend, but a threat to his chance to get more Power. He pounced at the Virtue, not holding back on his magical attacks at all.

As the fight went on his mind slowly trickled back to him and he felt his horror build at what he was doing. He wanted to stop himself but his body rescued his wishes, not stopping the attacks. He finally managed to break free from whatever was taking over but only when he managed to rip apart large sections of Love's wings. The cries of the fallen Virtues froze him, as did the others magic staining his hands.

He shakily reached out to Love but pulled back at the flinch he received. He felt like a true demon, that the mortals tended to call him, and for the first time he understood why some of the others cursed their Powers. When he felt Ink and Error arrive he was unsure what was going on. He watched in a daze as Love was healed and he was straight after taken to Inks home, barred from seeing the others. He spent months inside with Ink, working on his control but this wasn't what he wanted.

He wanted to be fully punished for tainting his counterpart, as he could see the damage he had done to Love's wings, even when they had been healed. The Power in Love no longer flowed smoothly, in their once vibrant wings but was erratic. It made his SOUL feel it was drowning in the guilt and shame of his actions.

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