Chapter 56- (Momma CQ)

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Asy makes mistakes and tries to fix them


Momma CQ

The next thing Killer worked on was making sure he was called by his new name. He had been sure he would have to bribe the little gremlin but this was shockingly easy. He wanted to push for the reason why but didn't want to cause them to spitefuly change their mind. He could see them doing that, as some of their mannerisms were eerily similar to Novas.

Hopefully they wouldn't turn out just as bat sh- FUNK.... He wasn't allowed to curse in his mind now?! What magic did Nova do to him? Smugness permeated through him, making him shiver at the foreign emotion. It was better to live in ignorance then get new potential trauma. He would have been impressed by this tactic, if he wasn't the one experiencing it.

Today he decided they would try and go outside. He didn't want their first interaction with this universe to be at school, so going to the park was the safest choice. It turned into a much more dangerous trip than he expected, when Karma kept ignoring the speeding cars on the road and looked confused at the traffic lights. He had to pull them back from getting hit so many times.

He had so much more to teach them but it added to the abuse story rather well....FUNK, even his thoughts were getting darker after Nova appeared. The lack of reaction, at the many near death experiences, meant he made sure to hold their hand in a tight grip the whole time. Maybe he should invest in a child leash at this point?

He nearly cried in relief at arriving at the park in one piece, as he was sure it was less dangerous here.

The good thing is that they stayed by his side without him having to hold them but the negative was their refusal to play or go near the other kids. Asy decided to walk around, so at least the kid would get some fresh air if nothing else.

"Asy? Is that you? It's rare to see you outside"

Trying to find the voice he spotted his friend walking towards him, bringing their dog with theml. It had been unnatural at the start, to even consider being friends with humans but now he relished it. They tended to be much more peaceful than the creepy 'child' in his old AU.

"Jack! Dont be so mean. I can do the healthy things too. Have to be a good role model now"

He pointed to the limpet on his leg, who was looking at the dog intensely. Whining coming from the Buddy, made him crouch down to give them a quick pet. He was amused by how scary the Doberman looked, considering it was a bit of a coward. They even shook when going near cats!

His smile faded when he knew the fear was due to being a rescue as he could see, from some brutal scars on the animal. Asy liked him as he had spunk, for refusing to give in and continuing to survive. They did seem a bit energetic today and were pulling their lead till it was taut. He would have been more worried, if it wasn't for their tail wagging like crazy.

"Is this your kid? I didn't think. You wanted any..?"

"Emergency foster. I friend asked me for certain...reasons"

He made sure to indicate towards the kid, as if he didn't want them to hear.

He hadn't expected Jack to curse, nor for Buddy to leap at the child, pushing them to the ground. Asy was worried how Karma would react till he heard giggles under the barking dog. This was the most positive sound he had heard from them since their stay.

"I am so sorry, Asy. I should have held on tighter"

"Is it fine he plays with the kid longer? This is the most open i have ever seen them"

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