Chapter 58- (Multiple Multiverses)

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Karma gets a surprise visitor


Momma CQ Multiverse

Karma enjoyed this 'home schooling' he now did and he easily passed the assigned tests. He had eagerly updated Nova all about it and after a short pause the other had opened the Codes, changing something then stating he would no longer have to do it, as he sorted the issue. He grinned at all the free time he would now have but wondered why Asy suddenly got so pale, when they overheard.

He was annoyingly having some trouble sleeping lately, as he kept hearing a voice calling for him. Each time he searched for it he ended up waking up, with no clearer idea what was going on. It was starting to give him headaches, that were taking him longer to recover from. If it went on for much longer he was sure Asy would notice, as the other had become strangely attentive as of late. He was watched like a hawk and even his pure liquid magic intake was increased, for some odd reason.

The only true freedom he now got was when he went to the park to play with Buddy. Asy was always happy to let him wander off, as long as he stayed with the dog. He was having a great time until Buddy nearly tripped him over, when they suddenly stopped running.

"What's up, Bud? Are you tired?"

Buddy was facing a tree surrounded by shrubs and started growling at it. He wanted to move forward to investigate but every time he tried Bud, would move into his path. He was a bit worried at this strange behaviour and thought he should grab Asy, in case they were sick. That changed when Bud suddenly whined and their body started shaking. Even their tail was between their legs, which he knew was a sign of fear.

"I found you, little raven~"

He startled at the voice and followed it to see a large shadowed figure. Karma chirped in greeting and looked around to see how far away Asy was. The figure felt familiar but it could easily be a trick.

Suddenly Buddy ran off making him startle and turn to follow them. Unfortunately arms restricted his movement, causing him to slightly shake.

"I'm not going to hurt you, little crow"

He started to struggle as he was unsure if this was a known Dream or a crazed variant. Their SOUL just wasn't clear enough to tell, so he spouted a name, he had heard reference to them a few times.


Oneiro felt relief flow through him and he confirmed that it was really him. He started to recite all the things they did together and the little secrets he doubted anyone else but the two of them knew. The struggling in his arms stopped, so he let them go and turned them towards him, wiping away the gathering tears in their sockets.

"You still w-want m-me?"

Oneiro was furious at the question but not towards his child. Those idiots had done so much damage. He had been far too generous in his punishments and should have sent some more 'personal' dreams to them, to make them know the full weight of their sins.

He easily lifted up his child, displeased at how much lighter they felt since last time and opened a portal to a certain SwapDream multiverse he had found. It was much quicker to get here then his home and would offer much better privacy for them. It did make him put a mental reminder that he should update the security for his place, especially against his variants.

SwapDream Multiverse ??

It had been a bit too easy to break into this place for his liking. The local version was currently bound in a spare bedroom and looked identical to him, so there was no need to hide from the staff. He might have had to mess with their minds, to make them forget Karma's presence, as he knew he himself would be vindictive enough to steal them away in retribution.

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