Chapter 75- (Daemons Multiverse)

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The Traveller has thoughts on Karmas 'caretakers'.

We find out how Ink became the being he is today and the shock of meeting Karma.


Thank you firehedgehog for The Travellers POV 😸


Between Omniverses- The Travellers pov

Traveller paused as he came across new items in Karma's room as he cleaned their small place, a small smile lit his face.

Karma was such a precious adorable soul.. if prone to not looking after himself.

"Well, I missed him, I'll have to leave this here for him,"

He hummed, placing a rather interesting book on Judgement/Karma magic next to them and a bag of more cookies. He hoped his sibling was okay, he was very close to creating a shield that should give him at least ten to twenty minutes visiting time.

He wanted to have a *Talk* with Karmas Guardians, you know.. to make sure they knew how to treat Karma well.

*Meanwhile, several beings shivered in terror and had no idea why.*

Well.. if anyone pushed Karmas plush would activate, lets see how badly they did against an enraged Guardian Toy.

Traveller smirked and would have made anyone seeing it flee.

Daemons Multiverse

The white was everywhere. No matter where he turned the scenery never changed. Why was he here? Where was everyone? Why was he left here all alone? . The loneliness he felt grew and his mind wandered.

His thoughts always traced back to the source of his pain and one day he finally snapped. Looking at his SOUL he felt slight hesitation at what he was about to do, before he just ripped it into shreds.

The pain lasted for what felt like an eternity but when it ended, only numbness was left. He remembered thinking before that this would change things but now only blankness remained.

Time passed in the eerie place before he was suddenly taken to a new place with no warning. He had no clue how he ended up here, but he felt a burst of unusual emotion, when something wet splashed onto him.


He explored this new place and when he played with the coloured liquid, new emotions started to fill him. It took much experimentation before he finally understood what each colour meant. That is when he started to see what his magic could do. He could tell it had changed from before and was thrilled when he realised he could now create things.

His first creation was a simple flower that he had stared at in awe for hours but soon he wanted to do more. His creations started becoming much more complex before he started his biggest project yet. While happy at no longer being in the white, he could feel loneliness start to settle in, even when he started avoiding the darker paints.

He had many failed attempts before he finally created his first universe. He put a lot of care into each character but just as he was about to finish it, he stared at it in contemplation. Something was missing but it was only when he focused on the skeleton monsters that one of his emotions spiked.


Looking at every other monster and being, the emotions persisted before he looked at the SOULS inside each being, making him come up with an idea. What if he changed it so none of them would ever truly be alone? And hopefully stop others from repeating his mistake.

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