Chapter 76- (Daemons Multiverse)

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Ink is getting used to having Karma around but feels things will change very soon.


Daemons Multiverse

It took a lot of begging and even bribes of food, to get Karma to even consider coming to stay with him. He could tell that the apple twins were reluctant to leave the babybones alone, most likely out of some guilt for what they inadvertently did.

He grew annoyed with their constant meaningless chatter, so turned towards them and threw them both into an ink portal, glaring at everyone else in the room in warning.

It was such a 'shock' when everyone else suddenly had vital appointments to get too and soon it was just him, with Karma and Chroma.

'Why didn't you do that earlier, Ink? They were so annoying'

"Hey! I didn't see you helping"

'That's what I keep you around for but after that slow performance maybe i should find someone else..'

"Are you trying to fire me?!"

"Well you suggested it..."

Ink grinned at hearing Karma start to giggle at their banter, glad this had helped to calm them down. As they continued he could see the babybones starting to yawn so crouched in front of them, asking them again to stay with him. The quiet 'yes' was relieving to hear and soon he had taken them to the Doodle Sphere in order to settle in.


It was a tense few days but when Karma had looked less resistant to his presence, he suggested they redecorate the room they were sleeping in. He had managed to get the results from the arch and was slightly terrified of making their delicate condition worse.

Sometimes when looking at them he could see a reflection of his old self, just close to the edge and willing to do anything to make it all stop.

Ink hadn't expected decorating their room to be a challenge but Karma had looked puzzled about why they would even do this. He tried to keep his voice calm, while internally he felt sad at how the childish joy was lacking in their actions.

He slowly managed to get them to voice out what they would like but it was mainly due to Chroma that anything happened. While wary of him they had no such issues with his partner. They did oddly enough one day start going out of their way to sit in his space, making him conclude the strange magic that had sparked from their wings was the cause.

His fingers twitched with want to feel all of their feathers, especially with the small sparks of light that came off them. Such unique wings that he was determined to draw at some point.

When a week passed he started to take them out to explore, not wanting them to feel cooped up in this space. He encouraged Chroma to stay near Karma, to help them to stand out less. He was known as being eccentric and had little care for how the majority saw him but he saw the way Karma would shrink into themselves, when Chroma was not seen by others.

Chroma had looked at him like he was an idiot and boldly told him they would have done that anyway, as Karma was so much more fun than Ink.

He sometimes wondered how Chroma had become so sassy but remembering all the meetings he had been forced to go to and being near Blue's mischievous Daemon, the answer was rather obvious.


Weeks passed in a routine before he had an idea to go to that large park in Haventale. It was a peaceful AU and the majority of monsters with children brought them here. Maybe Karma meeting others similar to his age would be helpful for their recovery?

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