Chapter 77- (FGOC Multiverse)

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Karma is taking to a new multiverse with Oneiro for a 'vacation'. He is unsure what to think of it yet


FGOC Multiverse

It had taken a few days but Oneiro had eventually managed to pry Karma from Nova's grip, so they could finally head off. While Nova had grumbled at the idea, they still helped to choose the best multiverse for what they had planned.

Oneiro created a portal to their destination, holding Karma tight for the short trip. Who knew where they could end up if they got separated. He was not taking a chance, especially with his childs questionable luck.

He looked around at the room they arrived in, pleased that no one else was here to ruin the plan. It was a rather dull room with grey walls and zero character but the vital item was right where he expected it to be.

It was the piece of junk in the centre of the room, that was going to be the 'star piece' for the plan.

He was glad this multiverse ran quicker than usual, as it allowed him and Nova to set things up to their liking, while still implementing the plan quickly. Nova had convinced him to let them choose the multiverse and was unsurprised they had chosen one with a suffering Creator. They really didn't like Ink types at all. He found it very amusing~.

He put down the wiggling babybones, letting them explore the room to their content but making sure they did not go up the stairs. He leaned against the 'great machine' indicating for Karma to come closer.

"Want to see something cool?~"

He grinned at their chirp and flicked a button, whistling at the sound and light show it gave off. He knew in some multiverse this was supposedly used to measure timelines or to try and drag Gasters back to this plane of existence but this one did none of those things. It was just a pretty little centrepiece, with its best use being a very large paper weight.

Nova had thought it amusing to use his magic instead, pretending it was the machine, to make things a bit more 'fun' in this place.

He was happy his child had enjoyed the 'show' and gently pushed them behind him, when he heard some voices coming closer.

"Now remember. We came here by accident and have no idea where we are. Do you understand?~"

"Yep...why are we here again?"

"For fun of course. I missed you and thought this place would be nice~"

It was more than that but his child hardly needed to know the full details. He would worry about that.

He started to lower his ambient magic, knowing the others 'randomly' dragged here would be weaker than usual. He still had no idea how Nova had altered the AU they were in, to restrict others power and abilities but it was very useful.

No need to endanger his child after all~.

He straightened when two figures came down the stairs and he instantly recognised them as the Classic Sans and an UnderFell Sans.

" seems the machine still has some issues that need sorting"

He was amused at how blandy that was said but his smirk widened at the Fell monster's feelings of dismay.

"Oh god, not another one"

....What had Nova done? He knew he should have demanded to know who would be here but it was too late now. At least he knew they would be safe to be around Karma, Nova was thankfully as protective as him.

Oneiro could sense how wary they were and felt their magic wanting to lash out. It was nice to be feared but it was not useful in this case. Thankfully his sweet child helped to break the tension rather easily.

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